On Monday I got busy in the sewing room, and put together another two Farmers Wife Sampler blocks. I'm so enjoying working on them, and can't wait to get some more put together.

Block 55 - Linoleum

Block 88 - Star of Hope
Block Total: 80
And because I was on a roll, I put together a couple more of the rail fence blocks. I need to make a total of 99 blocks, and I think I've made 36 now ... getting there :-)
It's fun playing with all the reproduction squares of fabric I got from Somerset Patchwork & Quilting. It's possible that I may run out of the 10" squares before I'm finished, so I'll have to attack my stash ... *horror*
And here is a little something that I've been working on over a couple of months. I know ... not much to share for that amount of time, but these are the paper pieced hexagons that live in my handbag. I finally finished the second row last night while visiting with Lizzy, and I'm now thinking about what fabric to use for the next round.
This project was inspired by one I saw at the AQC in Melbourne. I really wish I knew who made it - if anyone knows who made the lovely hexagon quilt in reproduction fabrics, please let me know :-)
Who would have thought that hexagons would be so addictive, I had no clue. These hexies are 3/4" size, and I'm just loving the 30's prints for something different.
Well, I better get some chores done, so I'll check back in later xox