To celebrate, I quilted the placemats I made the other day and sewed on the binding. I had planned to bind the mats in green, but couldn't find the perfect green in my stash, so settled for this beige-ish colour instead.
On the back of the mats, I used a cute fabric from my stash called 'Harvest Melody' by Nancy Halvorsen. It's a really cute fabric, and will make the mats reversible for use throughout the year. The binding fabric I ultimately used was from the same range and matched both sides pretty well.
I hope to hand sew the binding down this morning, and then this afternoon I'll head to the grocery store. If I have the chance this afternoon I'll spend some time tackling the Winnie the Pooh project. I know I'm not going to be able to strike that goal off my list this month. I don't have enough batt to use for the quilt, and I won't be heading to the quilt store today as I'm teaching there tomorrow.
Well, that's it from me. Happy Halloween to all those that celebrate it, hope your day is grrrrrrreat!