Happy New Year everyone! Isn't it nice that 2011 is stretching out before us like a blank slate to be written on? Do you have any resolutions for this year? I don't always make resolutions, and certainly almost never manage to keep them, but for this year, I'm going to make it a very broad one. 'Do Better'. I would like to think I'll try and look after my health a little better, my family, my home, and my friends too. Nothing specific, perhaps more a state of mind than anything.
So that I could end 2010 on a small personal high, I decided to work on a UFO I'd been stewing over for a little while. You can see where I left the project

I purchased four different border fabrics for this quilt, and I still don't think that I've chosen the right one. The thing that was really holding me back though, was the black and white inner border. I wanted to piece the border from squares, but it didn't matter what maths I used, I couldn't get a measurement that worked for the sides as well as the top and bottom. Then the answer hit me yesterday and I'm really happy with it.
I'd like to get started on quilting today, but first I want to get a few chores out of the way. Start the new year with a nice tidy slate ... :-)