I had meant to mention in my last post regarding the Sisters Choice Medallion quilt - but of course being flaky I forgot - that the on sale date for the Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine is February 22, 2008.
I am thinking I may make a pattern available at my tazziequilts.com website if anyone feels they just can't wait that long, or if AP&Q is not available in your area. Email me privately if you'd like me to explore this option.
Thank you again for the wonderful response :-)
Saturday, September 29, 2007

I have been working hard on the directions for the quilt, and they're around three quarters done. I thought I'd take a break this afternoon and make up something I haven't ever tried before. It's a purse/zippy. A lot of fun to make, and I can see more in my future. I've put this one in my Etsy store.
Amy and Marty have headed on over to the beach house. Amy for the week, and Marty for the long weekend. My Dad is putting up a verandah at the back of the house and Marty wants to help out. I didn't really want to travel just yet with Cam, so we're having a quiet weekend at home. I predict I'll having a few late nights - I'm sure it's no revelation that I'm a night owl! I'll check in again soon and let you all know how productive I've been :-)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The home stretch ...

The next steps are to write the directions and make a few 'in progress' pieces. We have a long weekend, so I'll definitely have a little time to myself to work them up. My deadline is for the quilt to be in Sydney on Tuesday (which would mean I'd need to post it Friday), but my editor has kindly allowed me to actually put it in the mail on Tuesday - I'm always a bit antsy about having a quilt sit around in a post office over the long weekend.
Thank you to everyone for your kind words and good wishes for Cameron. Kids bounce back so quickly. He's happy and chirpy again, and I predict back to normal very soon. Talk to you all soon! x o x
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Days just disappear ...

On Sunday night we had Amy's netball presentation. Marty stayed home and looked after Cameron. While we were out Cam was feeling sick and couldn't hold down his food. At first I thought it was one of those 24 hours things that would pass. Tue am he was still ill, so I took him into hospital. He was admitted and we stayed overnight. They were great with him, and while he's still not 100%, he's so much better.
After we checked into the ER, I cast on for a pair of my favourite socks. I had just quickly tossed a ball of wool and some needles in my bag. When we checked out this morning, I had turned the heel, picked up the instep stitches and had started working along the decreases for the gusset. I'm feeling so proud of myself, because I didn't remember to bring the pattern, and I've knitted the sock up from memory!
Also in the picture, the next installment from Z&S Fabrics which arrived while I was out. I know you all have developed an interest in the welfare of my stash. I liked the purple from my current quilt so much, I purchased a whole lot more. I actually ordered it thinking I may use it in the border, but obviously now that is sorted. The other is just well, you know ... justin fabric. Just in case. Still hasn't made a visible difference, but there are some useable pieces now.
Well, that's it from me - I really need to finish the quilt I'm working on, I'm kinda behind the 8-ball now ...
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Just something smallish to share - I've started quilting on the Sisters Choice quilt. I doubt you can see much in the picture. The only real evidence is the quilted line down the middle of the leaves.
The thread I'm using is this really cute Mettler one, it's a variegated rayon, which shines just beautifully. It goes from a cream to a gold to a brown. It's really nice. Perhaps a little subtle for my extremely limited photography skills.
Better run, we have a big day - lunch at my Mum & Dad's, and tonight is the Netball presentation dinner. Should be a fun day :-)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Border found!

I better run, there is still a lot to do before bedtime. Have a great day! x o x
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Fabric dieting ... not fabric fasting

Not much happening on a quilty front here. The border fabric I have been auditioning simply hasn't 'spoken' to me. I'm still not sure that it's the right one to use, but the clock is ticking, so I'm taking it's silence as acceptance of it's fate to be used! There is also the problem that I don't really have a good substitute. I don't really feel I want to go on a fabric hunt with the deadline looming so close, so I hope to get it stitched in place by bedtime tonight. I also hope to get the batt tomorrow, and if I'm lucky I'll have it all pinned and ready to quilt by Friday. I have my fingers crossed.
The sock I showed in the last post was ripped back entirely. I started it again on US size 2 needles, and it's working up so much better. In fact, so well that I turned the heel last night. It's now back in the car as 'found time work'. I can manage from here without the pattern, and I've managed to 'find' 30 minutes of knitting time already today while waiting for the kids.
Well, that's it from me for today. For the next two days I'll be working 9.30 -4pm in the quilt store, so I'm not sure how much free time I'll have. Lucky me though - if you must work, do something you love! Have a great day everyone! x o x
Fabric Haul
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Girly High Tea

There were 5 of us, Amy, MIL, SIL, Aunt, and myself. We had four of of these plates on the table. Quite the snackfest. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate aplenty, lots of gossip and giggles, and the afternoon was quickly gone. We've already made plans for another next month - super fun!

But ... and there is often a 'but' with my knitting. In her book 'Knitting Rules', the Yarn Harlot talks a lot about knitting a swatch to test for tension. A trap for young players ... I didn't do one. I confidently thought ... I'm a tight knitter, if the socks come out too small, I'll give them to my Mum. I didn't count on them being too big. Big enough that I could probably fit my foot and Cameron's in there. It's okay, lesson learned. I'm going to rip them back and eventually start something different. I'm not sure I'm into the lacy pattern enough to endure two socks worth. Maybe it was karma - the sock wool Gods knew I couldn't hack it and were saving me from the dreaded 'second sock syndrome'. Or maybe a higher quilter was telling me to get back to the quilt ... who knows ... but whoever you are, keep talking, I'm listening!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
It's still growing ...

And just quickly ... raise your hands if you thought there was no way I was going to leave the applique melon border facing the wrong way. You would be right *blushes*. At the time I was determined that I would leave it be, but while I was out that night, my mind would wander back to the quilt. By the time I got home I just knew I was going to have to fix it, and so that evening I did. My sense of order is restored *lol*
Up on the right corner there you can see I'm auditioning the border fabric. I am still not convinced. There will be a 1" purple border after the sisters choice blocks, and the binding will be purple. I'm just not sure if the border fabric is too overpowering. But even having said that, I have a feeling I'm going to use it anyway.
Just a quick mention of the charm square workshop I ran the other day. We made up the braided table runner. I feel it was a great success. It was to run for three hours in the morning, but the majority of the girls stayed on for most of the afternoon. The braid was a new technique for all of them, and I think a revelation that it's not as hard as it looks. I should be seeing most of them again on Wednesday, so I'll endeavour to take pictures of their work for you.
That's it from me, I'm heading into the sewing room. I may just work on something different today, and let that border fabric 'speak' to me for a bit. x o x
Thursday, September 13, 2007
And some more Sisters Choice applique

I see that I've attached the melon border on the right incorrectly, but you know what? I'm just not interested in picking the quilt apart to fix it. It can be my 'humility border'.
Have to head out to school chapel night tonight, so I'll check back with you all later. x o x
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
More Sisters Choice Applique

Having said that, I'm still loving how this is looking. It's one thing to design or envisage something, but it's another to see it come to life before your eyes.
I made a change from the original plan, I had planned to use a blue border around the middle applique block, and then there would have been several other blue borders, but I decided to use a repro-purple instead, and I think it looks better. Blue is always nice for a zinger, but it would have deviated too far from the colour scheme I have chosen. Today I don't have any 'children ferrying' other than school, so I should be able to get some more done. I'll be thrilled if I can get the next border on by the end of the day, but that may be a little ambitious.
In other news, I have listed some of my Thimbleberries blocks from last year's club in my Etsy store. I know I'll never get back to that project, so hopefully they'll go to someone who'll love them.
Well, that's it from me, I'm heading off to work on some applique ...
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Sisters Choice Applique

I need to have the whole quilt finished and the directions written by 2 October, so I will really start getting a move on now. It's due to go into an issue of Australian Patchwork and Quilting that goes on sale in February next year.
In not so good news - our fave football team lost the final yesterday. It was very hard to watch. They led most of the game, and in the last minute a goal was kicked that put them behind by three points and then it was all over. It's sad - especially for die hard fans - but in a way I'm glad I won't have to stress and get nervous over the three remaining finals. There's always next year.
Hope you're having a great weekend - I'm getting ready to do some chores ... and then I'm settling in for some more applique!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Saturday Nail Biting ...
This afternoon I'm hanging around the family room ... trying to make busy while our local football team play in an elimination final. The reason I'm trying to make busy is so that I don't bite my fingernails down to nothing. If they lose today, as the name of the final suggests, they'll be eliminated from the finals series - and then it's year over for the Crows ... but of course I'm hoping it wont' come to that ... GO Crows!
I don't have lots to share with you on the quilty front - I'm going to start cutting out some more leaves for the Sisters Choice medallion project shortly - and then I can get busy working on some applique in front of the TV. Other than that, I just completed a custom order for my Etsy Store - a set of cute coasters.
Let's hope I have something more interesting to share next time ... I'll chatter soon. x o x

Let's hope I have something more interesting to share next time ... I'll chatter soon. x o x
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Runner and Stuff

Lucy asked for some more details about the project. There's not a lot to tell really. The outside border squares are just as they come from the charm pack. The light squares in the middle of the braid are light charm squares cut in quarter, and the larger braid pieces are a charm square cut in half. When the braid is assembled, I measured 3" from the centre and squared up the edge of the braid. Super easy. It would be fun to keep going with the braids and borders and end up with a full size quilt too. For wonderful information on how to put a braid together, go to Bonnie's Quiltville website - very informative.
The fabrics I've used are the Rocky Mountain Quilt Collection II, and the Regency Collection I & II, both from Judie Rothermel. I just love her reproduction fabrics.
Last up, Jessica's How about Orange blog is always a great source of fun things. This is no exception: Spell with Flickr ... I couldn't resist!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Gettin' a hurry on

We're going to be playing with charm squares, and I've made up one thing we're going to work on, but the second project I just decided on yesterday afternoon. So, I thought I better get a move on and put the thing together. The picture shows where I got up to by 11pm when I decided to move toward bedtime.
It's a miracle that anyone has signed up for the class given that they haven't even seen what they're going to be working on. That's some kind of trust! I'm heading to the sewing room now to finish this up, and I'll show you what it ends up looking like. Have a great day!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
New Fabrics

The fabrics have already been folded up and put away in the closet, and it's hardly made a visible difference to the stash. Clearly I have a lot more fabric shopping in my future. I received a newsletter from them today, and it says they're going to be accepting Paypal, so that is a wonderful bonus.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and sympathy for Amy's injuries. She's doing just fine, and is wanting to go to school tomorrow. She's not as bruised as we were expecting, and probably will be just fine to go, but I think I'll keep her home just in case. I'm just a Mum wrapping my baby (who is bigger than me) in cotton wool :-)

This afternoon I'll work a little more on my applique before we head to my parents house. I'm so looking forward to seeing my Dad, it's Father's Day after all. Love ya Dad!
Saturday, September 01, 2007

You know what can happen to best laid plans ...
Not too far into the last quarter of the game, Miss Amy took a great leap for the ball, and when landing it would seem there were too many feet in the one place. She ended up landing *horrors* on her left elbow, then her face, and last of all her body landed. Ohhh my goodness, it was just horrible.
After a trip to the ER, her arm is in a sling, thankfully it's not broken, it's suspected that her nose may have been broken, but we won't know. They decided that since it's still straight that they wouldn't x-ray it, as they can't actually do anything to fix it anyway. She's not feeling too bad this morning on her painkillers. Can you believe at the time she wouldn't allow us to take her from the court - she wanted to keep playing - she's one tough kid!
And she was very happy to hear that her school friends went on to win the game ... Gosh, all I can think of is this ... so much for a non contact sport!
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