Friday, September 29, 2023

What have I done with my photos?

So, as I'm getting set to write my post tonight, I had a look in my phone and could only find one picture of things that I'd worked on this past week! I know I've been much busier than that, so I wonder what I've done?

This is my solitary picture, progress on the OPA Sampler Quilt:

Block 37 - Chubby Chex

There is another picture of this block, just a different setting, but I wonder why I haven't taken any more pictures of other things? So my plan is that I'll leave this here as a placeholder, and check back in with you at the end of the weekend. With some new work, and hopefully some pictures of things I've worked on previously.

I hope you've all had a lovely week - I know mine has been super busy - we're getting to the sharp end of the year now. Chatter soon, hugs!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Quickie post ...

I'm so sorry, this is going to be a super quick post tonight, I'm so very tired after a seriously busy week.

Today I got a couple more blocks made from the Scrappy Star Stitchalong, these are Blocks 6 and 7:

Block six has that fabulous blue stripe, and even if I did have time to stitch a bunch during the week, I didn't have anything remotely similar so had to partake in some retail therapy. I'm so glad I did!

I also got another block made from the Opa Sampler Stitch Along:

Block 18 - Crossed Canoes

A fun one to make, and I simply adore that blue Judie Rothermel print. It's yummy!

Last of all, I promised I'd share a little of the fabric I'd managed to get in a fabulous sale. These are largely for little Mary quilts, I'm adding to a whole new area of my stash for that sweet girl.

And finally for today, I've moved the hoop on my Lily Rosenberry quilt, I've managed to get 30 mins of hand quilting done each day, often times it's quite late at night. A perfect relaxation toward heading to bed.

And speaking of bed, I think I'll head in that direction now, I feel like I'll be asleep within minutes! Chatter soon xox

Friday, September 15, 2023

More stars!

Ohhh I hope you're ready to see more stars? I had a great time working on them during the week. I think I'm behind by one star at the moment, but that one will have to wait until I can stumble upon the perfect fabric.

Block four - I was thrilled with how this one came together, the perfect fabrics were lurking in my scrap stash, so I was able to put them to good use. The brown stripe and the little check print were gifted by my lovely friend Donna (and possibly one of the indigoes too). I dug the music print conversational and the other indigo from deep stash, they were fun finds. 

Block five - I struggled to find appropriate scraps for this one. I don't have very much purple repro fabric, something I feel like I should try and remedy.

Block six has a wide mid blue and white scrap for the outer squares, I am 99.675% sure that I don't have anything like that hiding in my fabric closet, so I'll have a think about what I'll do there. It really does make the block, so it's worth contemplating.

I also put together the latest Opa Sampler block:

Block 35 - Variable Star

Cooincidentally this weeks block is just a larger scale version of the other blocks I've been working on. It was hard to find a brown print that mimicked the fabric in the original. I auditioned a couple of darker brown fabrics, and thought they were too dull. I settled on this sweet brown print fabric from the tub of reproductions kindly gifted to me by lovely Pam Holland. I had a small piece of this way back in the day when it was new, but that was long gone, so it was a thrill to find this piece in the tub.

And last of all from a quilting perspective, tonight I put the last binding stitches in a placemat I've made for my Nanna's birthday.

Nanna is 94 this week, such a great age. She's in a nursing home as she needs a lot of care now, and we'll visit with her tomorrow for cake and celebrating. The placemat is for her to put on her tray table where she has her meals, I hope it'll brighten her space some more. We just adore Nanna, and we are so blessed to have five generations of first born daughters that are all so close.

Also this week, I received a small delivery of fabric, which I managed to forget to take a picture of, so I'll share that with you next week. Lastly I've been busy and finally finished up updating all the pictures in my Etsy store - they decided in their wisdom that we needed to have square listing photos going forward - so that was a fun exercise in playing with photoshop etc. 

So that has been my week, I hope yours has been wonderful too, and I'll chatter with you next week! xox

Friday, September 08, 2023


This week Instagram completely sidetracked me! Lovely Taryn (reproquiltlover) introduced a Scrappy Star Stitchalong, and I was all in! It was impossible to resist. The blocks are only 6" little things, and the hardest part of the project is choosing fabrics. We all know I have scraps that block out the sun, so I set to rummaging:

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

I only really need to make one block each time - but with the technique I'm using it's just as easy to make two, so that's what I'm doing. Also, I'm trying to take interesting photos - so many of you are such amazing photographers. As you can see with Block 3, I have much to learn about depth and perspective. I guess those are the right words lol. I'll get better!

The cupie doll was a fun purchase this week at the Royal Adelaide Show. We took Mary along again this year, and she had a wow of a time. I've selected a couple of my favourite pictures from the competition area - my favourite quilts, sourdough, vanilla slice (yum!) and cake decorating.

I also made one more block from the OPA Sampler Stitchalong, as you see it's a very easy one:

Block 5 - Corner Logs

For this block I forced myself to draw from my 2" strip box, which made for an odd assortment of fabrics. Of course there is no discernible reduction in the amount of strips in the box, which always causes me to fret about the state of my stash. I'm sure I've had this conversation with you before - I really need to put time aside to pare down. 

Anyway, that is where I'm at this Friday evening. Contemplating my stash, and looking forward to putting some more blocks together. How has your week been?

Friday, September 01, 2023

Three Opa Blocks

This week I got three Opa Sampler Sewalong blocks made, and they were super fun.

Block 23 - Wagon Wheel

Block 12 - Thunderbolt

Block 33 - Bears Paw

All of the blocks had fabric from deep stash, and some of them were treasures donated to me by lovely Pam Holland. I've eked out the very last of a couple of fabrics, and there are tiny seams in some of the pieces to use up the last little bits. It's no wonder I seem to be inundated with scraps!

And speaking of scraps, I'm thinking of going through my scrap bins and tossing out some of the contents, really, just the pieces I just know I'm not going to use. Before they hit the trash can, is anyone interested in taking them off my hands? Local is preferable, but I can send some bits and pieces further afield. Postage is prohibitive these days, so I can't promise how much there will be, or what size and scope of things I'll be sending on to their next lives. Please let me know.

I don't have more pictures to share as I've started working on some of my secret squirred projects toward Christmas. I have a lot to get through this year and don't want to leave it to the last minute and be stressed. It's about this time of year that my Etsy store really starts kicking off (as it has a bit of a Christmasy theme), and that always becomes a focus for me. If anyone is working on the mmmCrafts ornaments, please do check in on my Etsy store for the painted bead heads. They're reasonably priced and take away the stress of painting. They also save you the trouble of tracking down the beads, paints, markers etc. I'll love to help you out!

That's all I have to share with you this week, it has been a super busy one, but you wouldn't know it from this journal entry. Let's see if I can have something more interesting for you next week. Chatter soon! xox


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