This weekend past was so entirely wonderful - I was able to get so much done! I had two finishes - the binding on the Kaffe fabric quilt, I also finished the binding on four spiderweb placemats that are intended as a gift. (And I made an entirely new one to take to the shop)

I was feeling very inspired - I think this makes four finishes for the year so far!
On Sunday I picked up a project from this time last year. While I stayed with
Linda at Donna's house (prior to heading to Paducah), we had a sewing day together, and I started working on some Paducah Nine Patch blocks. They're from
Pat Speth's Nickel Quilts book. I didn't get many made, and the ones I did make had such bad seam intersections, so when I got home I took them apart.

Finally I've put them back together again, and I'm really thrilled with how they look now. These blocks are from Linda's 5" squares and scraps - how fun to be able to play in someone else's stash. She and Donna are always so very generous sharing with me :-)
I was feeling so energised after getting so much fun sewing done, that I decided to get into my closet and have a big clothes sort and purge. I've donated two garbage bags of clothes to charity, and even though I tossed five pairs of shoes last week, the old shoes in the closet should start feeling nervous :-) This is going to be a great week, I can feel it!
And the final picture for today is a gift sent to my by my Grandmother.

Grandma and Grandpa have been moved into an assisted living facility, and as part of the paring down process she sent this dinner set down to me. I had already received the tea set part of the service and you can see it
here. It's a Susie Cooper design from the 20's or 30's - from when she worked at Grays. I've learned that the design is called 'Floral' and from what I can tell, it's not all that common these days. I've only ever seen one saucer appear on ebay. I will treasure these lovely pieces - thank you Grandma! xox