Thursday, April 04, 2013

Rail Fence Blocks

On Tuesday I worked hard at getting the rows together of my Rail Fence quilt top. I managed to get a lot of them made, and then last night finished up the last bit.

There was a slight hitch. During the exchange I knew that I was short one block and planned to make it up when I was ready for the assembly. What was not planned: Losing the little baggie with the red centre squares. There was a small amount of panic. A dash of tearing the sewing room apart. A concerted effort to find more fabric online. All fruitless. Then I sent an email off to Linda and Donna begging for a scrap, knowing full well that as soon as I made that request, my baggie would appear. And it did - within 5 minutes. Crisis averted :-)

So I made up the extra block, assembled the last row, and laid all the rows out in the lounge:

Loving it! At the moment it's 63" x 77", so it wouldn't hurt to add a couple of borders. Perhaps a red inner border, and then a fabulous large repro print for the border. Yummmmm :-)

Not sure just yet when I'll finish putting the rows of this baby together, I'm actually quite excited to work on some more of the 30's hexie project. Who would have thought I'm not over hexagons just yet?!?


Teri said...

Does this pattern have a name?

Nancy said...

The blocks will make an attractive quilt top.

Glad you found the baggie with the red squares.

Deb said...

It looks great and isn't that the way - you sound the alarm and what you were hunting for shows up!! Thank goodness it did!!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!

*kd. said...

Oh gosh, I totally dig it!!!!

Sarah said...

I love this top. And isn't always the way when you go to desperate measures the thing you lost shows up! Real glad it did.

Shay said...

I really love your rail fence.

Decidedly NOT boring and very unique.

Glad you found the extra fabric. I've been missing a pair of scissors since Christmas. They've been missing so long I think Im actually going to have to buy another pair to find the pair I lost.

Julianne said...

Its beautiful, I just love a scrappy quilt!

Thim3 said...

I love this quilt...could you tell me what size are the strips and the blocks...I have a lot of scraps that I could use for this pattern.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Ohhhh! I love it!


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