Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Hexie progress ...

This hexie project is such fun, I can hardly tear myself away from it right now. It's neat to see how the elements are coming together.

Today I cut out the large centre floral piece - it's down at the bottom right of the picture, you can't see too much of it. And I added the white hexagons around the unit I worked on over the last several days.

It's not easy to see in the picture, but the white fabric I've used for the newest hexie unit has little pearlised dots, it's very cute. I'll be alternating between the spotty fabric and the white fabric for the last round on the hexie units. I'll need to get busy with some more of the green diamonds too.

So much fun, I'll have to get my fill of this project, as it'll be on the back-burner for a few months while I'm busy quilting.

I'll take the hexagons to quilt group with me tomorrow, and then tomorrow evening I'm thinking I better catch up on some of my little star blocks - they've been all but forgotten! Chatter soon :-)


Shay said...

Oh Tazzie these blocks are just so beautiful. Your hand sewing and the fabrics are perfect!

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

I am having trouble with this project. You told me it was reverse appliqué, but my feeble brain is not getting it. Does this pattern have a name? The blocks are so pretty and I also like the log cabin blocks. You are putting me to shame!!

*kd. said...

Oh what fun! You can show us back burner projects any time!!! (..and shoes, those are always good to share as well) hee. *kd.

ruthsplace said...

It's looking great. I love the fabric you are using.

Sheila said...

i have always loved this setting for hexies, those diamonds look fiddly though. Great to have some handwork to take along to get togethers

Manuela said...

Beautiful Hexieblocks.

Have a nice day, Manuela

Sue said...

Looks fabulous. Is this one of Brigitte Giblins patterns?


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