Through to the keeper ...
Is that an Aussie expression?? Could be, I'm not sure. But my point is this ... it was my two year Bloggiversary on the 26th, and I missed it completely. It went right through to the keeper. I would like to do a draw to celebrate, but with my workload right now, I don't think I can keep that commitment, so instead I'll wait for my 500th post, which I think is coming up soon. Who knows, I could be there already too! I'll keep you posted :-)
Recently I reported on the 'alarming shoe situ.' after a purge in my closet - and my new shoe count of 43 pairs. Well, the closet/shoe status is ever evolving, and my new number is 45. My defences were low, and I weakened while shopping yesterday with Sharon. I had been bemoaning the lack of colour in the winter shoes in stores, and when I found these babies, their pull was irresistible. Cross my heart and kiss my elbow, I promise I will not purchase any more shoes until we hit the shores of the USA.
In quilty news, I actually didn't notice this little impostor while I was piecing my 'evergreens' quilt top, but while I was pinning this afternoon, I found the cream fabric you see there. It's MORE of the fabric that was used in my first ever quilt. I seriously thought I had used it all up. People, I'm never going to be rid of it! There were only three fabrics, and I'm finding them everywhere!! It's like the fabric is stalking me ... send help!
It's a cricket expression - so as good as Aussie!
I knew you wouldn't be able to wait until you got to the US.
I've got a simiar fabric problem. Wondering whether to cut it up and use it for rags just to get rid of it.
I dont understand shoe fetishes.. LOL my mum had one too.. We have been cleaning out her cupboards this week (have put it off for months) and so far, 104 pairs of shoes..
Mum used to say my owning of less than 10 pairs was embaressingly inadequate, but I figure I only got one pair of feet! LOL
mum got rid of a lot of her heels a few years ago, 5 garbage bags of them, yes FIVE..
I have fabric that keeps coming back too, but its one that every time I give some more of it away I think 'why the heck did I buy that'??
Tazzie-Love the shoes! Where in the US are you visiting?
Great shoes, Tazzie!
Are those WINTER shoes for you???
That really breaks my heart... :)))
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