Today I worked at the quilt store - not a normal thing for me on a Monday. It was like a play date with Cheryl. I had fun work to do - the panel you see in the picture had arrived, and I added the green border and cornerstones and quilted and bound it. Tomorrow we'll be kitting them up.
Not at all like a chore going to work ... just super fun :-)
Is that an Aussie expression?? Could be, I'm not sure. But my point is this ... it was my two year Bloggiversary on the 26th, and I missed it completely. It went right through to the keeper. I would like to do a draw to celebrate, but with my workload right now, I don't think I can keep that commitment, so instead I'll wait for my 500th post, which I think is coming up soon. Who knows, I could be there already too! I'll keep you posted :-)
Recently I reported on the 'alarming shoe situ.' after a purge in my closet - and my new shoe count of 43 pairs. Well, the closet/shoe status is ever evolving, and my new number is 45. My defences were low, and I weakened while shopping yesterday with Sharon. I had been bemoaning the lack of colour in the winter shoes in stores, and when I found these babies, their pull was irresistible. Cross my heart and kiss my elbow, I promise I will not purchase any more shoes until we hit the shores of the USA.
In quilty news, I actually didn't notice this little impostor while I was piecing my 'evergreens' quilt top, but while I was pinning this afternoon, I found the cream fabric you see there. It's MORE of the fabric that was used in my first ever quilt. I seriously thought I had used it all up. People, I'm never going to be rid of it! There were only three fabrics, and I'm finding them everywhere!! It's like the fabric is stalking me ... send help!
Do you remember this quilt? It's my Royal Cross scrap quilt. Just this week, it has come out in the current Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine. It's Volume 16 No 12, the 2008 Annual.
The pictures are wonderful, the photography in this magazine is always fantastic, and I'll never grow tired of seeing my quilts in print.
Finally I've stitched the last border in place on my latest quilt top. It seems to have taken absolutely forever to get this one together. I guess it seems that way because of all the excitement that has happened while it was in progress.
I'd love to get quilting on it tonight, but I'm not sure I have enough batt, and I really don't feel like piecing one right now. I think I'll put the 'in progress' pieces together, which shouldn't take long, and maybe I'll start on another customer quilt. I have six lined up for me at the moment.
In fun news, I had a call from the travel agent - our tickets and travel vouchers are all ready to be collected, so I'll be able to stop in and get them on Friday. It will seem so real when I have those babies in my hot little hands. It's just over three months now ... I hope it really flies by!
Here's where I'm at with the Among the Evergreens top. I just need to sew the final border in place.
It's a little hard for me to believe that I've found some (a precious little) sewing time in the past couple of days, and it's a nice diversion. Tomorrow I'll finish the top off, and then baste a customer's top ready for quilting.
It'll be a bit of a relax-y day tomorrow - I have no commitments other than those that are quilty. Today was basketball for Cam, netball for Amy, and then this afternoon Cam had his 6th birthday party with his school friends. We had a lovely time with 18 5-6 year olds. I wish I'd taken a snap of the party favours I made up for the kids. Cute tumblers filled with sweets, coloured gel pens, and twisty-straws, all wrapped up with cello and curling ribbon. They looked really nice.
And last night (because Friday was his actual birthday) we had the family party at home. Such a nice time, and he certainly received some wonderful gifts. He has a new bigger boys bike, more of his favourite Lego and some new clothes. Such a big two days for the little guy, he's going to sleep soundly tonite ... and so will I :-)
I really appreciate everyone's kind wishes and thoughts after our icky day on Tuesday. We're entirely thankful that we weren't hurt, and also for the good news that the other family taken to hospital will be fine too. Thank you all so much. x o x
I thought I'd pop a quick update on here so you know I haven't fallen from the face of the earth ... things have been a bit nutty here and I haven't been doing very much stitching other than things that MUST be done.
The kids and I were caught up in a nasty traffic accident on Tuesday after school. A speeding teenager collided with an oncoming car, and his car bounced onto the hood of our car. We're fortunately all okay though somewhat shaken up by the experience. My time has been consumed with insurance, police and repair assessments.
But in wonderful and happy news, Cameron's 6th birthday is tomorrow, and his kiddy party is on Saturday. I can't believe the little man is 6 already! It has gone so fast!!
My time won't be my own for a little while, so I promise I'll check in as soon as I have something newsworthy. x o x
Yesterday afternoon I was reading the Sunday Mail, and the Spotlight catalogue fell out. Of course I had to glance thru it, and I noticed that they were discounting their wool by 30%, and there was 20% off all haby and quiting fabrics.
I decided to mosey on over, and was very excited to find that they were selling out their discounted fabric for $2.00 per metre! The paisley that I purchased the other day - well, I got the rest of the bolt. The green in the picture - the rest of the bolt. The blue dots - 3 metres, and the other two weren't discounted fabrics, but still so reasonably priced, and very useful for my current project.
If there's something you've been keeping an eye on in the discounted fabric area - I'd head on over there now. Run, don't walk! I also got some more bobbins, and some of the sock wool in a colour I feel hubby will like.
And here is my up to the minute progress on the 'Among the Evergreens' quilt. It's coming along quickly, and I'm liking it a whole lot. I'm so pleased I got that paisley fabric on a whim, I think it really works in this quilt.
Tonight I'd like to finish it to borders - I'll see how busy I get. Tomorrow I have shopping plans - I need to get ready for Cameron's birthday which is on Friday (kiddy party on Saturday). I can't believe the little guy is turning six already. Doesn't time fly!!
Go Tazzie! I finished up the five 'Among the Evergreens' blocks this afternoon. I've made these up before for Maureen's surprise quilt, and for the runner that lives on my dining table. I'm now making a wall hanging which will accompany the runner in the magazine. I just have to decide on sashing strips and the border.
See that cute paisley fabric I found in the squares there. I really like it. Ohhh, and Karen, I'm so lazy - forgive me *hugs* I haven't forgotten :-)
Tonight I strutted on a 'catwalk' for my friend Kathy. She did a presentation for her personal stylist business (Style Call) at a ladies pamper evening, and I was one of her three models. We were all dolled up and had a really nice time. My red shoes had their first outing, and I just love them. I also wore fishnet stockings! OMG!!
While checking the camera for my quilty photo, I found this picture that Amy must have snapped this afternoon. Some 'Kitty Love'. The fur persons are always tussling and playing together, and usually in the next moment napping together. I'm not sure why they're ON the dining table ... not my favourite place for them to be ... but I'll forgive them :-)
Should run, it's getting late here, and I feel like I could use some zzzzz's. Be good, and I'll check in with you all soon. x o x
I know I've said it before - I work well with deadlines. Perhaps once or twice I may have twiddled my thumbs for a while to create artificial pressure for myself ... but I've never left starting a quilt until three weeks before my deadline!
Never fear, my next magazine quilt is now underway, and I'm sure I can have it done in time.
Don't worry about the two 'gifties' I still have to finish, and the customer quilts I have to complete. Sleep is highly overrated, and I'm just loving that quilting is my life!
In other news, I may or may not have ordered the fabric kit you'll find here. Okay, I did order it ... but I can't play with it, I'm having it delivered to Linda so I can pick it up when I visit with her in the USA. OMG, Cameron can't wait. He fell in love with it at first sight. I may have done so too ... :-)
Christmas project number four, check! I made this placemat up yesterday. I wanted to share it last night, but I simply ran out of steam. I'm sure everyone can relate.
I've said it before, I'm not a photographer. I really wanted you to be able to see the quilting, and you kind of can. But you can't see that I've used the super-fun gold thread again. I'm loving it right now, and the Christmas fabrics are fun too!
Will I be able to complete project number five, and have the requirements list done by the end of today? It's anyone's guess.
One of my friends (Sharon) and I went to see the Sex and the City movie yesterday, and loved loved loved it! I'm not going to give any of the storyline away at all - so sorry if you were hoping for some hints. In the spirit of the movie, Sharon and I indulged in a little shoe shopping beforehand. I was drawn in by these little red numbers. They look washed out in the picture, but they're a mixture of red patent and red suede leather, and are entirely super cute! Sharon found some darling ankle boots. Myer were having a sale, so it would have been irresponsible to leave them behind!
On the quilty front, this is a project I am helping a customer with. It was a kit she ordered, and I'm saying nothing more than this: The pattern that arrived with the kit was a waste of good paper. It has been a real struggle for her to put together as a reasonably new quilter. The border was just not working out, so I'm fixing it for her, and then I'll quilt it. It seems to be going okay for now, and I'll see how flat it is when it's time to quilt. A very disappointing experience for her.
And last of all, a gratuitous kitty pic. Amy was fooling around with the camera, and found the kitties being pals. I don't think they like posing for the camera much ...
This is a long weekend for us, so I plan to spend some quality time in the sewing room, and would really love to do some organising in my closet. I wonder if it'll happen??
I'm almost finished item 3 for the Xmas in July workshop. The binding is around half stitched down on the reverse. Woohoo! I'll finish it up at the store tomorrow.
This project could have used much prettier quilting like the 'Noel' hanging, but at this point I'm happy just to be getting them finished. The thing that really stumped me with this one was the applique, and when I get stuck on a project, often I don't seem to love it as much as I previously did.
It's my hope that by this time next week I'll have the other two items completed (they're much smaller) and the requirements list well on the way to being finished. I have a feeling I'm not going to want to work on anything Christmas-y for quite a while now ... bah humbug!
It's bed-time for me now ... I really need to get a night in before almost midnight just once this week ... there's still time! x o x
Seriously - I do think I have knitters ADD. In my defense, the temps at the outdoor netball games are positively arctic. Not that I'm likely to have this scarf finished before the end of the season, but one can hope right?
I started it yesterday, and I've knitted up one skein already on size 7.5mm needles. I've used Crazy Aunt Purl's 'Mistake Rib Stitch Scarf' pattern. Check out her January 2008 archives.
In other news, we had excitement in the study this morning. I needed to print, but the printer had other ideas - it wanted to smoke. Well, to cut a long story short, we now have a new member of our family, a fancy schmancy colour laser printer. Let's hope it decides to stay with us longer than our old printer.
I'll check back with you soon, let's hope it'll be with some quilty content :-)