This will be my last post for 2007 - we're heading out shortly to ring in the new year with friends. It has gotten to just over 42c (108f) today, so whatever we do, we're going to be trying to stay cool! Have a great time celebrating! x o x
Tracy’s Why Do You Craft Meme
1. When did you start to create and make crafts? I don’t remember not being interested in crafts. When I was really little I recall getting in trouble for cutting up handkerchiefs to dress my dolls. I learned to knit at a very young age, and still have a little bear with his own sleeping bag that I made. I started quilting when I was first married in 1992. I was working part time and wanted something to fill in some time, so I took a class … the rest is history.
2. Why did you start creating? I’ve always been driven to make things … maybe it’s because my family have a very ‘arty’ background. So many people in my dad’s family are artists. My Mum has always been a sewer, as has my Grandma, and my Nan was a knitter … it was always going to happen that I would be doing something crafty.
3. Why do you create? I create because I can *vbs* I can’t explain it, but quilting is just something I want to do – from the moment I open my eyes in the morning to the moment I close them in the evening, I want to be in the sewing room.
4. What do you create? I make quilts – I love all parts of the process. Sometimes I make knitted items, but not nearly as prolifically as quilts. I have dabbled in other things, but patchwork and quilting is my love.
5. Has this changed since you began crafting? Well, I’m making the same end product, but I would say I’m doing it more accurately and with nicer tools and supplies. When I look back to some of my early projects, my skills have progressed – and fabrics are so much nicer too!
6. What are your crafting goals for the future? Quilting is my work right now, so I hope I can continue to be inspired, and have opportunities come my way. I feel incredibly lucky to be doing what I love on a daily basis. I love being part of a worldwide quilting community, so I would like that to be part of my quilting future too!
Thank you Cathi for tagging me for this meme – it was fun. I will ask anyone that would like to participate to do so. I always feel like I’ve left someone out if I name people … so I wont … but I’d like to stop by and read all about your crafting!
Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well. Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation. |