Friday, December 14, 2007

Can you feel the love ...

Here are our two babies ... Holly looking much less like a baby. It looks like Holly is nibbling on Gracie's leg, but I wasn't really fast enough with the camera, she's actually cleaning her. Too sweet - they're friends already.

Do you see the little bows on the floor there, and the lego? The kitties have been busy taking the decorations off the tree, and chasing Cam's toys around the house. It's fun to see them playing together.

In quilty news, I'm still piecing away with the mystery nine patches, and I see that the next clue is up already. I hope I can catch up at some point! These little blocks are really taking me some time!

And last of all, sadly our netball girls lost the grand final tonight. They played so well, and the margin was only four goals in the end. I'm so proud of them all! They're just wonderful girls, each and every one of them.

Have a great weekend everyone! x o x


KC Quilter said...

How precious the kitties are!!! Wish my two got along that well LOL. Sorry to hear about the grand final, but what a great season the girls had!

The Calico Cat said...

Awww, that may be the cutest picture that I have seen in days!

Darcie said...

So sweet! I can just hear their purring from here!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

I can feel the love!!! They look adorable! Thanks for posting the pic!

Darlene said...

Definitely friends! I can't get over how big Holly has gotten.

Karen (Misiz C) said...

That's wonderful Holly has warmed up to Grace. What a sweet picture.

You are braver than I. Our 5 month old kitten is very curious and agile. (My LA doubles as his jungle gym) I've decided to forgo the Christmas tree, at least until DD is out of school for the break. I can't guard it alone. :-)

Laurie Ann said...

Wow, that's an adorable picture!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!!!

LuĂ­sa Silva said...

Sweet picture. I know how cats love Christmas trees decorations!

Tanya said...

Such a nice picture. I'm so glad the kitties have becom friends. I love seeing our 4 cats curled up together. Just a picture of peace on earth.

Perry said...

That is a cute picture of the two. Glad they have become buddies.

Susan said...

Great Christmas cat picture. I love to watch kittens with anything else. They are just funny. Sorry the girls lost! =(

Floss said...

Holly and Gracie are so cute together. It's good that they are getting along.

Tonya Ricucci said...

sooo sweet.

ForestJane said...

Hmm, nibbling on a leg, huh?

Wonder if Holly's thinking: "Wouldn't this taste a little better marinated in some tuna juice...." :D

Quilts And Pieces said...

Wow! Does that make Holly look big and the kitten look so small!


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