Sunday, August 04, 2024

Hello there!

Hello there friends - my apologies for not checking in last weekend - time just got away from me and I realised I probably didn't have anything noteworthy to share with you anyway. And same for today if I'm honest.

Classes have started back again, and the units I'm working on this term seem to be quite intense. I've also been painting so many mmmCrafts bead heads for my Etsy store. This thrills me, as I'm saving up for something in particular, and when my Etsy store goes ka-ching on my phone I know I'm working toward my goals.

With that in mind, I bought one of those little light boxes so I could take better pictures of my listings, here are a couple of the updates ... Little Elves:

and the Twelve Days Series:

There are more, but I won't bore you with all of them. They're such fun to work on, and I'm looking forward to making some more of the 'people' style ornaments for myself sometime.

I've also gotten a little hand quilting done, and machine quilted the birthday project for my friend. I'm looking for the perfect ric rac trim for that item, so I can't bind it until that little shopping project is checked off my list.

Last of all, I just wanted to share a picture of a fabric I'm thinking about buying to make the dress pattern that I like:

Not a great photo, I just snapped it quickly so I'd remember it later on. I'll keep my eye out for a sale and come back to it. I think it's a linen cotton blend - I'll have to check. It'll be so pretty, and has some of my favourite colours.

I'll sign out here, I've been babysitting this whole weekend, so I know I won't be out of bed long. Here's hoping I have a more newsworthy post for you next week. Chatter soon! xox


Janet said...

Your hands have definitely been busy. All very cute.
Love the fabric. Can't wait to see the garment made and model. Take care and enjoy.

dq said...

Love the elf ears!
Taking classes is a lot of work. Stay with it!


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