Sunday, August 18, 2024


I'm so thrilled that late last night I managed to get the last binding stitches in my Halloween Table Runner. And today there was enough light that I could take some pictures and get it listed in my Etsy store.

And of course this pattern works well with other fabrics too:

Hahaha, whoops, zero photoshopping in these photos :-)

I've also been working on some more of the lodestar felt ornaments by mmmCrafts, but I didn't manage to get a photo of those, and I'm sure you've seen them before anyway.

This afternoon while Marty and I walked the doggo, I took the opportunity to grab a couple more pictures - the light was lovely ...

There's our handsome boy <3

This week I plan to hand sew a bunch of bindings in place, and get some more of these lodestars made. Then who knows what's on the agenda ... but I'll be sure to let you know. Chatter soon xox


Rose Marie said...

Sweet finish for Halloween. Love the animal fabric.

cityquilter grace said...

spooky cute your halloween runner!

loulee said...

Lovely table runners, I love the plaid you used in the spooky one.

Janet said...

I love the table runner especially the Halloween one. What really caught my eye were the transferware dishes. You have a lovely set.
The scenic pictures are beautiful and oh my the budding trees. Do you hills around you?
Rowley is gorgeous.

dq said...

Lovely photos of the sun set as well as your table runner. Everything looks so peaceful in the photos while I know you are actually crazy busy with school.


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