I'm the last stop on the Blog Tour for Barbara Cline's new book Star Struck Quilts. Leave a comment on this post, and you will be in the running to win the following prizes: 1st prize is a copy of Barbara's fabulous book, 2nd prize is a gift set, including pen-style Chaco-Liner, Flower Head Pins and Mary Ellen's Best Press spray. In addition, one winner will be drawn for fabric from RJR and a $25.00 gift certificate to Patchwork Plus.
Barbara has been kind enough to write a guest post for me, so here she is:
Hello quilting buddies,
I am Barbara Cline from the great Shenandoah Valley of Virgina. If you have been following the blog tour you can tell I enjoy designing, piecing, quilting, teaching, family, friends and fellowship. I will try to include pictures which will help you get to know me better.
First I am a wife and mother of 5 children. They are very close in age. The youngest is 19 and the oldest is 23. O no, now they are leaving home so fast.
Yes, I really enjoy my quilt life but there is still work to be done around the house like canning, cleaning, washing and fixing meals.
Here are a few pictures of some of the patterns I have designed and you may order on my website Delightful Piecing http://www.delightfulpiecing.com/

A highlight of the year is when my sisters and I have a sewing retreat. This includes our Mother and nieces. We sew, laugh, cry and just have a wonderful time together.

I do have a blog site. Stop by and let me hear from you.http://quiltingal.xanga.com/
Tazzie here again :-) Be sure to leave your comment, and I'll draw the winners on Saturday evening. Good luck everyone!
Love the quilts from Barbara and I just know her book will be a winner.
Lovely guest post. The blue and beige quilt is so full of movement. I kept seeing different patterns with each blink. Just beautiful...all of them.
I love that runner!!
The author seems to have such a neat family and background. What a blessing. I like the idea of the other 'thoughts' scatterered throughout the book too.
I'm really looking forward to checking out this book! Thank you for the chance to win it.
Amazing quilts!
Love those amazing kids and it was so interesting to read. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
Beautiful quilts, all of them. I'd love a chance to win the book. Thanks for having the giveaway!
I love star quilts and her book looks so intriguing. I am really loving that blue table runner...looks like snowflakes almost. So I must go check out her website next!
I am thrilled with a chance to win the book as i love Star quilts.
Her star designs are so intricate and amazing! Would love to win the book. Thanks for hosting on the tour :)
What a great blog tour! Thanks for being one of her stops!
Hi Tazzie,
Great guest post. . .love the pictures of the retreat.
So when my 5 children start leaving home I'll have more time to quilt, write a book and can? Can't wait!
Its exciting to see a quilt book done by someone that I am acquainted with. I remember Barbie as a highschool girl of about 14 or 15 years. Time flies. How I would love to win this book!
I would love to have one of those books.
would love the quilt book!! Sure envy those sisters their sewing retreats!!
that book is great!!!
What a lovely family Barbra has and I am awestruck at her beautiful quilts.
Would love to win the book to learn a few of her "secrets!"
thanks for the giveaway! would love to win this book or any of the other prizes!
What a nice comment from Barbara. Her family is lovely! Enter my name... who knows, I might win a prize!
I have been following this blog tour. I have already said it several times, but I love Barbara's star quilts. So of course, I would love to win her book. Winona
It's been fun learning about Barbara and her quilts and her family. I'd love to see the inside of this book! Thanks for counting me in.
I'm so glad Barbara posted her website and blog. She is so talented! Thanks to all who made this blog tour so interesting. Even if I don't win I feel enriched. Now... off to visit her website and blog... Happy quilting!
She sounds a lovely person and what a gorgeous family.
The book looks fascinating.
I love Barbara's quilts. Please include me in the draw.
Tazzie-Thanks for being part of the fun blog tour featuring the new book Star Struck. Bev in BC
I really enjoyed getting to know more about Barbara during the tour. Her quilts are awesome! I hope I'm lucky enough to win :D
I would love to win this book, so please throw my name in the hat.
Thank you for giving us another opportunity to win this fantastic book. Star quilts are the best!!
I have really enjoyed this blog tour, would love to meet Barbara! Thanks so much for a chance to win her book!!
I love stars so would love to win the book & if not I'll surely have to buy it. I hope the teal & lavender wall quilt posted above is in the book. It is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win.
This was my first blog tour. I'm so glad to know there are so many gorgeous sites out there to torment and inspire me!
Loved the blog tour. Barbara is so talented and I have enjoyed learning about her and seeing all her beautiful quilts. Looking forward to seeing her quilts in a quilt show in Hattiesburg, MS in October.
Wonder guest post! What a talented designer Barbara is! How on earth does she have time?!
eem2848 at sbcglobal dot net
I would love to win Barbara's new book. I've pieced several quilts in star patterns.
I love all the star quilts! Beautiful!
What a fun blog tour!
Thanks for the chance to win. This has been a fun blog tour...I really love what I have seen.
Would be nice to come from a quilting family!
Thanks for the giveaway!
nrbird @ gmail.com
Barbaras quilts are so beautiful.
Thank you for the chance to win.
This woman is sooo talented! It's amazing the work that she has done with these quilts. I would love to be entered into the draw!
A great book - I'd love to win a copy!!
Every time I see new quilts of Barbara's, I have a new favorite!
The blue & beige here is now my official favorite :-)
Thanks again for the chance to win this great book.
Wow, if only I could make quilts like these! I'd love to win the book.
Jittina, the Netherlands
Thank you so much for being a stop on the book blog tour! Have really enjoyed stopping by all the different blogs--meeting new friends and learning more about Barbara! Count me in for the drawings! Thanks! Peggy B.
What a great looking family.How fun to have so many women in the family who all share the love of sewing or quilting. I have 4 boys so I keep hoping they will find women who will want to learn, or already sew and/or quilt.
This book looks to be amazing and it was fun to see some of Barbara's other designs that are not in the book! Thanks!
Loved reading the guest post and have enjoyed being here on your blog. Thanks a lot!
I thought that I had commented on this blog before, but I can't find myself up there, so here goes again!
Nice blog, and so glad to be a part of the excitement!
Love your quilts and the book looks wonderful!
I love the Shenandoah Valley, and was married in Staunton. It's an inspirational place. Kathie L in Allentown
These quilts are beautiful! I'd love to have a copy of it.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A
Congratulations on a fun blog tour. What a beautiful family and beautiful quilts.
What a lovely family photo! You must have had your hands full when they were little!
Boy that looks like my kind of book!
Love her quilts - great giveaway
Barbara's quilts are so beautiful! I would love to have this book.
Love her quilt and would be happy to win this book ! hugs.
What a lovely book Tazzie- thanks for the opportunity to win it. I love star quilts - it would a wonderful book to get.
Regards, Anna
Please enter me in the giveaway.
The quilts are all so beutiful! Barbara is very talented and blessed with a wonderful family.
Jolene Powell
Love a chance to win this book. I really like star quilts.
What a winning book! It would be a welcome addition to my collection.
Those quilts are amazing! How fun it would be to try making one!
It looks like a wonderful book. I've enjoyed following Barbara on the blog tour.
I can't believe that Barbara does all that she apparently does (and does extremely well). She must never sleep. Too bad she can't package some of that energy to use as a giveaway prize. I'd love to win her book (and her energy).
b/ (a CFS person)
A family retreat! What a wonderful idea! I wish my family lived closer to me so I could plan one ... Thank you for the giveaway!
Thank you Tazzie for hosting your part of the blog book tour. I appreciate your time and organization. It's been great to learn so much about the book AND author!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com
This looks like such a fabulous book. Thanks for including me in your giveaway!
It looks like a fabulous book- I have been following around the hop meeting new and old blog friends. Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway.
Regards from Western Canada,
This looks like a wonderful quilt book!!
Love the table runner, and what a lovely family. So nice they all share the same interest.
Looking forward to reading the book.
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