Early yesterday morning I had to make an emergency dash to the Bernina Health Spa. The night before I had been quilting away as normal, when my precious baby started making the most awful 'graunching' noise. It was so loud it made me jump!
Otto was wonderful and restored my beloved Bernie to perfect health in mere hours - no stitching time lost at all. The damage? I had not only managed to 'do a bearing' in the motor, but he also found a fault with the stitch length actuator (which I had noticed but forgotten about in the face of the alarming noise).
While there, I had a quick chat to Otto about the new machines that are coming. There WILL be a new 820 in my future ... I just need to figure out how to justify it ... at $7500 *cough*
Last night I used my 'free' time to complete the centre of my Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt. I just love Bonnie's patterns - be sure to stop by her site for inspiration to do some scrap-busting yourself :-)
I was being so careful when I was putting the pieces together not to get two of the same fabrics in a row, and in my wisdom, I've managed to get four pieces of the same green floral fabric in a line down the centre of the top. I'll take them out and replace them with something else, I know it'll bug me forever if I don't do it.
When I have the chance, I'll add a narrow 1.5" outer border, and then add a final border of 3" squares, or rectangles, or something of that nature. It won't be for a little while tho ... because ...
In addition to the quilts I have here at home - a new range of wonderful reproduction fabrics have arrived at the store, and I've volunteered to make the sample quilt which I'm just in love with. I'll be making it in my spare moments. Yes, that's what I said ... spare moments *lol*
I don't really have time to do it, but since it's being offered right now, I've decided to sign up for a free cooking course at 'How to cook like your Grandmother'. It's called 'Starting from Scratch', and I predict it's going to be super fun. Cooking has become just another chore for me over the years, and it will be wonderful to inject some fun into it as well as learn some new techniques. I'll post any successes I have.
Also, I quilted four quilts over the last four days, so after netball is done with tonite, I'm determined to spend some time in the sewing room working on my own projects. Hopefully I'll have something to share with you tomorrow.
I've been an absent blogger of late, but I haven't been completely MIA from the media. One of my quilts is in the latest issue of Australian Patchwork and Quilting.
When the magazine contacted me to see if I had any hand quilting projects they could use, I had to cast my mind back, because I haven't been doing much 'hand anything' of late. Do you remember this tiny quilt? I made it for our guild show a couple of years back. The editor liked it, and the rest is history.
It's in Australian Patchwork and Quilting, Vol 17 No 9. And as for specifics of the quilt, it's 17" square, and each individual applique block is 4" square.
I'm working my way slowly through a huge pile of quilts - and I'll be back blogging more regularly soon. x o x
I had such a good time making the latest DJ block on Friday, that on Saturday I decided to devote some time to DJ blocks, and not do any quilt related 'work'. The four you see in the picture are the result.
I've put my book away, so I can't remember where they fit into the quilt, but I'm just loving them. One was hand appliqued, one pieced using freezer paper templates, and the other two simply rotary cut and pieced.
My completed block tally is now 73, so I'm not yet half way, but I'm definitely getting there. However, in the last twelve months I think I've only made six blocks, so if I want to finish the quilt any time in this (or the next) decade, I'm going to have to ramp up the production a little.
I have a lot of quilting to do right now, so posts may be a little scarce, but I'll check back in when I can. x o x
Hi everyone, I was contacted recently by Jill in MT asking me about sending a donation quilt for people affected by the bushfires in Victoria, Australia.
I have made enquiries with the ladies from Southern Cross Quilters, and have been given an address of a member in Victoria that donation quilts may be sent to. If you feel you would like to donate a quilt, please contact me and I will forward the address to you.
It just warms my heart that so many people from all over the world are rallying together to support the people affected by these terrible events.
You know what you haven't seen from me in some time? A Dear Jane block. I'm just loving seeing the DJ's created around Blogland, and thought it was high time I made another block of my own. I'm not thrilled with the accuracy of this block, but in the words of Brenda Papadakis, 'finished is better than perfect'. I like her thinking :-)
This block is L11 - Caitlin's Rose. I've modified it from the line drawing in my book to look more like the block photographed in the book. My copy is a very early one, and it's possible that later print runs may have been corrected.
And here is some fabric I picked up on Thursday morning at Spotlight. After my bargain of the weekend, I decided to venture back and see what I could find.
The piggy fabric in the centre caught my eye at $1.50 per metre, and since I'm hankering to make some 'Little Quilts of Love', I thought it could be used for backs. The purple fabric on the left at $2.50 a metre could also become the back of the 'Purple Stars' quilt, and the green fabric on the left also at $2.50 per metre was a 'justin' fabric. You know, I've said it before - just in case.
Wouldn't have killed me to have run the iron over the fabric in the middle - hope it flattens out a little in the closet.
That's it from me for now ... I'll check back in soon x o x
With all the tragedy of the Victorian bushfires on the news here, it has been really hard to concentrate on anything in the sewing room. Sewing just seems so unimportant. But yesterday I really needed a diversion, and it had to be something mindless.
A while back I started making up a Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt from our dear Bonnie's website. I'd made up all the individual matchstick units and put them aside for a rainy day.
Yesterday I decided I'd start pairing up the units and even sewed a couple of rows together. I've laid some of my units out to show you, and the rest are all in the container in the background. There are so many scrappy fabrics in the makings of this quilt - some from favourite quilts, favourite friends, and some I can't even imagine how they came to be with me. I guess it's like a little trip down memory lane. Just what I needed really.
Although it seems really unimportant now, I thought I'd share a small purchase I made yesterday.
I needed to buy a thread for a customer quilt, and thought I'd browse the fabric section at Spotlight just in case there was anything that needed a good home. I found this interesting paisley print in the sale area, and it's from the same family of fabrics that I purchased a little while back.
It was reduced to $3.00 per metre, and though I didn't realise until I got to the checkout, it was further reduced by half again to $1.50 per metre. So, as is my custom when faced with that kind of saving, I purchased the remainder of the bolt, being 7.7 metres (or about 8.5 yards). It'll be great for backings, or I'm even thinking maybe for setting squares with my green and cream nine patches.
And this is what makes fabric buying seem just so completely unimportant ...
I want to thank people for the kind messages from people overseas asking if my family and I are okay. News reports overseas are indicating that Southern Australia is experiencing devastating firestorms. Luckily for me, I live in South Australia, not in the southern state of Victoria which is experiencing the horrors that have been reported.
My heart goes out to so many families who have found themselves homeless, to those who have lost loved ones, and to the many, many victims that are in burns units and intensive care in hospital. Feeling terrible grief is not enough though, there is so much we can do to help. Right now, the Red Cross are calling for donations to help the victims. And if you feel that you can't help in that way, please donate blood - the burns victims will be needing it for a long time.
This is a customer quilt I'm working on this weekend. I'm completely in love with the colours and the simplicity of the design. Just nine patches and stars set on point - simple but gorgeous.
I'm going to add this to the list of 'must make someday' quilts - I can see this eating up a whole bunch of my scraps.
There is a cool change brewing right now - we're expecting a low tonight of 17c (63f) and a high tomorrow of 25c (77f) - it's going to be bliss!
The Christmas holidays are now over and life has returned to it's frenetic pace. My own personal stitching has slowed to a crawl, and other time crunches are pressing. I shall push through however, and hope to show you the results of my scarce minutes soon.
I did promise a little while back that I'd share a picture from a visit to a quilting friend's property recently. The kids had a blast, and Cameron had tears when it was time to leave. It was a really fun day, and Prue was just adorable to host me, my children, Carol, Bettsy and Stephanie. Here's a pic of the kids feeding the cows after we had lunch.
The cows are expecting calves in March, so the kids are very excited to visit again in the next school holidays when there will be babies to see.
I best dash back to the sewing room, so I'll check back in with you all later. x o x
It's no secret to anyone that I would very much like to own a Singer treadle. I do already have one which is in quite a simple cabinet, but the one I covet lives in an ornate cabinet with the three drawers on each side, pretty carving ... you know the one.
I'm sure the reason behind my yearning is from my childhood and I probably need therapy *lol*. I guess I was a little younger than Amy, and my Puppa who knew that I loved to sew found a treadle in a country clearing sale and bought it for me. I think it was around $20.00. It lived at my grandparents home for a while - I imagine it wasn't an easy thing to get home in my parents car - and every time I visited, I'd love spending time poring through all the vintage sewing notions in the drawers and dreaming of the day it would live with me. One day I visited and was horrified to find the treadle missing - but Puppa was so proud - some guy had offered him $50.00 for it, and he took it - he'd made a great deal!
And so life goes on ... yesterday my FIL visited with something he'd found in his shed, and he thought I'd like them. Some treadle cabinet drawers. I don't know their history, or how he came upon them, but I'm sure I can do something nice with them.
Later after FIL had gone, Marty looked over the drawers and joked with me ... "You'll get your treadle honey ... you're just getting it one piece at a time!"
And it's done. Amy's room reno is complete. She's in the process of putting all her things back, but for the most part she's done.
Because I'm not a great photographer, I haven't managed to capture the colours well - the walls are actually a sage green, and the quilt cover is a lighter sage green.
No sign of fairies anywhere! And that makes Amy happy :-)