Friday, July 07, 2023

Avoidance at its finest ...

Last week I shared with you that I was feeling super happy to have completed a broderie perse corner on the centre block of my Morrell quilt - and that it was challenging because of the fabric's propensity to fray ... so this week I have been studiously avoiding that particular block ...

And instead today completed this block - it's # 36

I really love it, and I so enjoyed making it. It's all I can do not to make a few more that are very similar. But I really should finish the centre block - it's so close!

Earlier in the week I made an alternate colourway of one of my recent tree skirts. Also avoidance I suspect - but I told myself it's Christmas in July.

Also super happy with how this project worked out. The pattern is available in my Etsy store if you're interested, it's the easiest tree skirt I've ever made - you can stitch it together almost in a heartbeat!

So they've been my quilt related accomplishments this week - I'm super pleased that 'life with puppy' is getting easier and stitching time is easier to find. It's also mid year school holidays for the next two weeks, so I'll have an extra couple of hours to myself each week which I'll dedicate to all things crafty. 

And just a fun little aside - I was watching a movie while working on some hand sewing during the week (it was the tennis movie Battle of the Sexes) and at one point they were sewing tennis outfits for the ladies - and I was so thrilled to see that they were using this machine:

A darling white Featherweight! How fun is that? I have one of these sweet babies of my own, but I don't use it very often. I purchased mine while I was in the USA some years ago, and it's a 120v machine, and we're 240v here. I do have a transformer for it, but if I need to use a Featherweight I tend to use my black one as it's much less messing around. Maybe I should put the white one on display somehow, as it's such a sweet little thing.

So that's my stitching week up to now - I plan to get a little hand quilting done tonight while I watch some of the tennis at Wimbledon. And then tomorrow I will make some kind of bargain with myself so I finally set to and finish that darned broderie perse. Seriously!

Chatter soon - and hugs!


Chris said...

It's all about attitude. If I keep thinking I hate it, I will hate it. I chose to keep saying I loved working on my Cherries Quilt and I did. And I completed it, well, it took me 6 years but it is done and I love it. I keep saying I hate working on my second Dear jane quilt and I do and I am far from being done. Attitude I tell others but forget to listen to myself.
You applique is amazing!

Jeanette said...

I agree with Chris about attitude. I really need to change mine about my ufo's. Find some joy in finishing them instead of looking at it as a chore. Love your block & look forward to seeing the other one done. I found a little white featherweight online the other day & as tempting as it was i'm wary as in another state so i passed on by.

Janet said...

Block #36 is very pretty and it would make a beautiful quilt with different colored fabrics.
I know what you mean about avoiding something. Mine is machine sewing the binding on a finished quilt, very difficult for me to handle that much bulk.
You were a very busy bee this week.
Enjoy your weekend and as always thank you for posting.

kiwikid said...

Your block is beautiful! Well done! The tree skirt is lovely too. Avoidance is something we are all good at!!


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