And speaking of the other day - where did the last four days go??
But back to today ... this morning I finished quilting on a customers quilt - and then this afternoon got busy doing chores. My house has gotten really neglected while I've been so busy. Tonight I would like to begin quilting on another quilt - I'll see if I have the energy in reserve ...
It has been a great weekend, starting with yesterday morning. A fun treat for Cheryl and I was to spend some time at the Magill Quilters 'Biggest Morning Tea'. It was so nice, and a very worthy cause, with proceeds going to Breast Cancer Research. When we got back to the shop, I was able to see the new AP&Q magazine had arrived, and it has one of my quilts in it. My 'Galaxy of Scraps' quilt that I made a little while back. I think there will be another of mine in the next issue too!

Well, that's it from me - I'll try not to leave it so long between posts next time - I promise!
Love the colors in your Star Happy blocks! I haven't seen this book by Judy Martin. Drat! I don't need to see that book :) Love the neutral fabric on the right. Do you know which fabric line it came from?
Have a great day!
I've got that blue fabric second one from the bottom. It's my favourite and has now been in about 3 projects so far!
See you Thursday, can't wait :D
That's a familiar feeling, trying to reach the quilt store before it closes. I'm wondering what line the paisley is from, too.
You've made much more progress than I have. The Shakespeare in the Park blocks look exactly the same, and I haven't gotten nearly as far as you have on mine, and I started way before you!
I'm glad you got to the store on time. That's some wonderful power shopping.
Loving those stars even mpore with the next row added... great choices in 15mins! surprised you had time it takes 20mins to get served at my local Spotlight!!:)
This is one of my all time favorite blocks - love it!
Can't wait to see your finished quilt top!
Oh my - those blocks are just so pretty. You have a wonderful sense of color.
Wow! really nice color combo! Congrats on having your quilts in a magazine!! How cool is that?
Love the blocks!
The quilt is lovely! I always loved these echoing blocks...in any shape or form!
Lovely star blocks. Good luck with getting your mom's quilt done by the weekend :)
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