Noel is on the home stretch ...
'Noel' is almost finished. I just need to apply the binding, and I can check one more item off my list. I went to town quilting this one tonight - I used a gold metallic thread (didn't shred once!!) and quilted feathers, loops and arcs galore. Loving it!
Very nice. I like it.
Oh boy didn't that turn out neat! You're so good with that machine quilting. Blows me away.
This looks terrific! I've very jealous of your quilting skills!
It's a stunner!
This is beautiful! I especially love that green fabric you picked out and the quilting design is awesome!
Your quilting skills are amazing.
I love the letters on this one.
It's beautiful!!
Oh so nice! I got the new AU P&Q yesterday and saw another of your quilts in it! You busy girl!
Love this quilt!!! Is this your own design? Will it be in a magazine or available for sale? It's perfect to use in decorating for the holidays.
wow it's fabulous!! and your metallic thread behaved??? good job you!
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