I have finished the quilt. But I still need to finish writing the directions and make up the in progress pieces. The quilt needs to be in Sydney on Friday, so at the latest it needs to be in the mail on Wednesday. It's now late afternoon on Monday, and am I working on it? Nooooo ... I'm excited to get some knitting done. *lol*
But how could I not be? I have been knitting away with some vintage wool that I quite like, and on that sock I turned the heel last night, that means I'm on the home stretch :-) And today, I stopped by the Yarn Barn and purchased some more of that strawberry colour I love so much, and some cream to make a pretty pattern with the natural colour ... and they had this book I just had to have ... and ... and ... I need to take a breath don't I?
I solemnly swear that by the time I go to bed tonight I will have completed the directions for the quilt. And tomorrow I will make the in-progress pieces and get the whole lot ready for the post. You are all my witnesses.
And on Wednesday I will knit ... or quilt ... or go to Ikea *vbs* Because that is how I roll ...
tried to leave a comment yesterday about your red quilt..........I love it.......it looks so good........I want it....also I may be very dumb but what is vbs stand for..........it took me awhile to work out lqs but I did that myself........please help....
Arrrrgh hate deadlines. I think you're handling yours just right :-))
The quilt turned out beautifully, the reds are gorgeous.
And yes, you need more socks. The other day I washed 10 handmade pairs- I love being able to pull out a new pair every day, and I've got more 'on the needles'. They keep your feet toasty on these cold days.
Tazzie, I just love that red quilt. Hope you got the directions done...My sister owns a yarn shop and she gave me a pair of handmade socks that I really like..I dont knit...Hope all is well in your neck of the woods...Toni
Perhaps you're one of us who work best under pressure. Extreme pressure.
The quilt is truly lovely. Good luck with the instructions.
I had to snicker a little Tazzie! Last week I had a deadline looming and I just didn't want to be bothered. You've heard of "the Terminator" well last week I dubbed myself "the Procrastinator" - LOL. I seem to do so much better with self imposed pressure. Yes, I met the deadline! :-)
LOL. I agree with Darlene. My daughter created a little super hero character on the computer years ago called "The Procrastinator." She is our hero.
Gosh Tazzie, you wear me out just thinking about what you achieve. The quilt looks great BTW.
I have tagged you on my blog, only if you want to, no pressure!
Tazzie, I think there's a yarn shop where Carolea's was, so when you head this way, you can still stop and visit the shop! LOL!
Hmmnnn...your attitude about deadlines sounds familiar...oh, yeah, I tend to do much the same. Though, my deadlines usually don't involve quilts! Enjoy whatever you decide to do on Weds.!
Ahh, the lure of sock knitting :)
Love the red quilt and can't wait to get the directions in the magazine. It's gorgeous.
The quilt looks wonderful...love the reds. I can relate to your attitude towards deadline. Who was it that wrote that humans need a certain amount of stress to survive?
starstruck is beautiful!! nice job
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