Also in the picture is a 'tumbler' template. I had seen the tumbler quilt on Dawn's blog, and thought it was wonderful, so cruised ebay once more to see what I could come up with. I have a different package of Pepper Cory's templates, so when I saw this one, I knew it would be a good one to have. The thing I like about this one is I can use it with my 3.5" pre cut strips. Yay! It arrived this week, and I really want to play with it, but I'm going to wait until I get some other things finished.

The quilt is just beautiful, and Linda has made it up beautifully. I can't tell you too much about it, as I don't know who the pattern designer was. I know Linda had it professionally quilted. The fabric is just gorgeous, I could just look at it all day long.
Also, one of my non-blog friends asked me when the picture in my profile was taken. Well, that's an easy one, it was taken in April this year while I was in the US. You can just see the corner of Linda's blue shirt on the bottom left there. We're in McClintocks bar at Pismo Beach. I'm amazed I look anything more than tired, as it was the same day I arrived in the US, so I'd just spent 16 hours flying, and several hours in the car that day! I think I was running on adrenaline!
Today I'm going to spend some time in Cameron's room tidying and culling the toys. Wish me luck people, this is going to be a big job!