E4 - Buffalo Tree Hopper
I came soooo close to finishing the family room yesterday. I’m just not strong enough to move the TV cabinet by myself, so there’s just a small section which I will do on Monday when hubby has a day off. The room feels so different, it’s amazing how a change of colour can do that.
Last night after painting and finishing up with the kids and chores, I was just too weary to head into the sewing room, so I veged in front of the TV. Since I’ve put up a picture of my DJ recently, it’s kind of rekindled my interest in my project, so I thought I’d hand piece a block. This one is E4 – Buffalo Tree Hopper. I wonder how it got that name? I'm not even sure what that means, any clues anyone?
It’s a nice one to hand piece, it has some intersections that are fiddly to piece on the machine. So you can compare, I’ve put the 30’s block I pieced last night, and also the block I pieced for the first quilt. I hand pieced the first one too.

maybe some kinda insect name here in north america???
I don't know where it got the name, but it looks like candy wrappers to me. Have agood weekend...Quilt some for fun..
I don't know where it got the name, but it looks like candy wrappers to me. Have agood weekend...Quilt some for fun..
There's a tree hopper bug that looks a lot like the block.
You know all those blocks in the book had goofy names---probably meant something to Brenda P. Even the ones with a more traditional name that many of us would recognize are called something else.
I agree that hand piecing would be the way to go on that one--no matter WHAT you call it, LOL
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