Friday, May 21, 2021

This week went by so fast!

Isn't it amazing how fast a week can just disappear? I had so much I wanted to achieve this week, and I feel like I've only checked a few things off the never ending to do list ... but I'll share some of the bits and pieces with you ...

Here's where I'm at with Tilly, I'm pretty happy with her for a first go at making a ragdoll - and I was all ready to start making some more clothes for her, but I was struck with some other inspiration and had to go with it:

This is the top of a cot quilt for little Mary - another one! Poor little darling has no idea of the tsunami of hand made items heading her way! I drew it up on Sunday night while the idea was still in my head, and then I started sewing on Monday.

By Tuesday evening I was ready for quilting. I used the paper shapes I'd drawn up to pencil some quilting designs, and then I traced them to freezer paper so I could iron them on the back of the quilt, and then trace the designs to the quilt using my lightbox.

Over the last couple of days I've gotten a little quilting done, and I'm super happy with how it's coming along.

So that's where I'm at with my actual quilting. I've also been attempting to work on my website and write some patterns up. I don't find that quite as much fun so I have to use a work/reward kind of system. Maybe I'll grow up some day ... hehe

Anyway, that's it from me for this week, I'm itching to get back to some hand quilting, so I'll chatter soon! xox

1 comment:

Jean McGee said...

Tilly is just gorgeous, Mary will love playing with her and will enjoy all the lovely gifts from her grandma. Your hand quilting is beautiful as usual and such a pretty quilt.


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