Well hello there! I'm finally checking in on my somewhat neglected blog.
I do have some good news, after some medical procedures my arm is finally pain free. It's actually the best it's felt in a whole year ... which means I've been able to work at my hand quilting with gusto! A couple of nights ago I took this quick snap of how it's looking:
I had really been missing it so much. While Wimbledon was on, I was quilting into the wee small hours, and I have become kind of nocturnal. I'll start to get myself back to normal hours soon, as school holidays will finish at the end of this week and I don't want it to be too much of a shock to have to start getting up early in the morning!
And here's a snap of a little someone who has been keeping me company on the sofa and in the sewing room:
It's super hard to get a good picture of Gracie, she's such a good camouflage colour that photos just don't work out well - this one isn't too bad, even if she looks kind of grumpy.
And because this is just going to be a quick post - it's getting late here ... I just wanted to share something that has happened since last time I checked in with you ... my little guy turned seventeen! I snagged this photo from Amy:
It's hard to believe Camo is so grown up, I think when I started writing here he was around four years old! He's such a good kid, and we are blessed that he's part of our family.
That's all from me right now, I need to get some zzzz's, but I am going to really try and check back in this week. Let's see how that goes! xoxox
I am glad you are feeling better and can work on quilting your gorgeous quilt. Do take it easy and make your body the priority! Happy birthday to Camo. I have enjoyed watching him grow!
Glad you're feeling better. It's no fun when we can't do the things we love. Happy birthday to your grown up guy.
Congratulations! They do grow up fast, don't they? Your quilting is beautiful as is the rest of this project.
Just beautiful! I have enjoyed following your progress. I wish you continued good health.
Glad your arm is better Tazzie. Camo looks a lovely young man. Its so nice to see after all the awful things we hear about teenagers. Mind you we dont hear about the good ones do we?
Great to hear your arm is better. Phebe is looking beautiful. YOur kitty is sooooooooooo cute. Happy Birthday Camo. Great see his picture. Thank you so much for sharing. Can't wait to see your next post.
I am so pleased your arm is much better and you can do your beautiful quilting. Good to have some company while you spend hours in the sewing room.
See you soon, love Jean đź’•đź’•
Your Phoebe quilt is one of the prettiest ones I've ever seen!
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