Next on my agenda for that day was to put together the back for the Sunbonnet Sue quilt. The lady who I'm making this for had included some yardage, so I just had to chop it in half and put it back together again - easy!
Later that evening I pinned the quilt and set to quilting, and wouldn't you believe it, I ran out of the pink thread! I'm experiencing deja vu here :-) Because I was due at the quilt store today, I decided not to run out and get thread locally but to wait. So ... this meant I was looking for something to do last night ...

They're in my Etsy store if you're interested ...
This evening after I pick up Amy from netball, I'll get busy quilting some more on Sunbonnet Sue - I think I have a customer dropping off two more quilts for me tomorrow, so I need to get busy!
Hope you all have a grrrrrrrrreat Halloween everyone!