On Thursday I promised my sweet friend Monica that I would work on a post for my blog that very evening. She'd told me she was stopping by every day to see what was new, and of course there have been crickets chirping at my end.
There has been so much going on - you all know how busy this time of year can be - but the honest truth is that most of my 'quilty' doings have been of the 'secret squirrel' variety.
However, in a very time consuming sense, I have had major work going on in Camo's room:
I had to completely empty his bedroom, and on Tuesday the 6th, the painter came and made his room beautiful. Then on Friday the 9th the wardrobe installation guy came and installed the new robe/desk combo. I'm just so pleased with how it has come up. It took best part of a week to sort/purge/empty his room, and it took pretty much the whole weekend to put everything away again - and there are still more things to do. I'll share more pictures when it's all done. Camo's so happy with his new more grown-up digs.

Some little bits I can share ... I've pieced the backs for some placemats using my 3.5" strips. It feels so virtuous to use up fabrics that might have otherwise sat around for a while :-) The blue strip of fabric there is the binding for some other mats I made a while back and finished recently - they're super cute. And in icky work - the Xmas mat in the background is one I need to replace the binding on. My little man was very naughty and snipped it. Grrr ... but at least it's an easy fix.
No Farmers Wife blocks just at the moment, but I've printed foundations for the next two blocks. Hopefully I'll have a few hours just to myself sometime soon!