Monday, November 29, 2010

Nearly Insane Block 43

Just thought I'd share a quick NI block with you so you'd know I haven't been slacking off entirely.

This one is block 43, and I'm so glad to have it checked off the list. As mentioned in the NI Fans blog, I'm so glad to have this one done, though it wasn't as tough as I anticipated. I used a little spray starch to help stabilise bias edges - love me some Mary Ellen's Best Press!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Last Pelmet

Those of you who are my buddies on Facebook will have already seen this photo, but here it is again all the same. The final pelmet is in place, this one in the lounge room. And the Christmas tree is up too - as tradition in our house dictates, it was put up on the day of the pageant here in Adelaide last weekend. Happy days! :-)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nearly Insane progress

Here I am finally! I've been so busy with working and life that my blog has taken a little of a back seat, but I promise I haven't been neglecting my stitching entirely.

Just last night I attached another row to my Nearly Insane quilt, this is the row that contains the block with 229 pieces. The next row has some tricky Lone Star type action, so I'm a little nervous - wish me luck people!

I've made 69 of the 98 blocks required for the quilt, so I'm definitely on the home stretch. I'd like to complete at least two a week for the next little while so I can get busy on the hand quilting soon. Let's see how far I get. Chatter soon! xox


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