I'll be taking a blog break for a little while - I'll check back in when I'm able to. Be good, and I'll see you all soon!
x o x
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thank you Bonnie!

I made up bricks and stepping stones units recently, and when Bonnie learned that I had entirely depleted my stash of black fabric, she sent along some stash enhancements from the famous Mary Jo's store. They were wrapped together with the cute red bow, and sent with a fridge-pad and cute card.
Thank you so much Bonnie, you made my day! x o x
In the Mail
Have you any idea ...
... how hard it is to capture your new hairdo with your own phone?? Trust me, it is! But here goes ...

Monday, September 22, 2008
Quilting Done
Whew - I'm done. I won't be doing any more quilting for others until the end of October. I set a mental goal of what I'd like to achieve, and I finished last night at around 11pm. Lucky for me I'm a night owl. Then it was the rounds of the school lunches, and a last minute pick up, and bed by just before 12.00. Normal night for me :-) Not so much ... a storm blew in at around 4am and I realised I had some of Amy's school things on the washing line ... soooo I'm feeling a little shattered this morning.
I have a lot I want to get through, but at my current pace, I can't see me achieving much. For the past hour, I've been cruising the Pioneer Woman's site again. Last week I found it for the first time through someone's link, and totally lost my window of time to get to the grocery store while I immersed myself in her love story. If you have a free afternoon, or even a little time to kill, be sure to stop by - you won't be disappointed.
Anyways, back to the title of the post ... this is Jenny's quilt:

I love love love it! I'm not certain, but I think the pattern is called 'Hearts and Gizzards'. It's made in the loveliest Civil War Repro prints, which I just adore. It was a pleasure to quilt on, and it's a crying shame this quilt isn't going to stay and live with me :-)
This one is going onto my list of 'quilts I'd like to make some day'. A list that grows longer and longer with each day that passes.
Okay - I've allowed my mug of 'very strong coffee' to soak in, so I really must get busy around here. I have laundry to fold and put away, things to pack, and rooms to tidy. Maybe I should put the Stepford Wives on again ...
Talk soon ...
I have a lot I want to get through, but at my current pace, I can't see me achieving much. For the past hour, I've been cruising the Pioneer Woman's site again. Last week I found it for the first time through someone's link, and totally lost my window of time to get to the grocery store while I immersed myself in her love story. If you have a free afternoon, or even a little time to kill, be sure to stop by - you won't be disappointed.
Anyways, back to the title of the post ... this is Jenny's quilt:

I love love love it! I'm not certain, but I think the pattern is called 'Hearts and Gizzards'. It's made in the loveliest Civil War Repro prints, which I just adore. It was a pleasure to quilt on, and it's a crying shame this quilt isn't going to stay and live with me :-)
This one is going onto my list of 'quilts I'd like to make some day'. A list that grows longer and longer with each day that passes.
Okay - I've allowed my mug of 'very strong coffee' to soak in, so I really must get busy around here. I have laundry to fold and put away, things to pack, and rooms to tidy. Maybe I should put the Stepford Wives on again ...
Talk soon ...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A first and a finish ...

Slowly, slowly I'm reducing the number of unfinished tops I have to quilt. I believe I only have two left now. Of course, that number does not include UFO's - I haven't counted them, but I know I have several tops in various stages of construction. I'm not sure I want to know how many :-)
I'm almost finished quilting on a top for a student, and then I'll start another, which will be the last one before we head off on our big adventure. Only six more sleeps!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Charm Square Quilt

I made it a little while back, and I've probably shared it already, but I'm just thrilled to report that it's progressing from UFO status to almost finished status. I'd love to have it finished tomorrow. I can do it - I know I can! Sleep is highly overrated!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Another Finish

I have some more quilting to do today, and if I'm a really good girl, I may be able to do some important piecing. Can I be that good? I feel sure I can!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wow - 95 comments! I'm gobsmacked!!
Because I felt like being a technology girl, I used a random number generator to pick the winner of the table runner (which I feel sure will be made very soon!).
The lucky winner is number 5, which is Julia. If you'd like to get in touch with your snail mail address, I can set the wheels in motion.
Thank you all so much for stopping by and leaving your good wishes, it means so much.
Because I felt like being a technology girl, I used a random number generator to pick the winner of the table runner (which I feel sure will be made very soon!).
The lucky winner is number 5, which is Julia. If you'd like to get in touch with your snail mail address, I can set the wheels in motion.
Thank you all so much for stopping by and leaving your good wishes, it means so much.
Friday, September 12, 2008
More on the applique runner

I really wanted to use the same Sturbridge Village fabric for the binding as the one I'd used in the border of the runner, but I just didn't have quite enough left. It's a scrappy runner though, so I don't think the different binding looks out of place.
I'll be teaching this runner as a beginners applique workshop next year. I've been asked by a few people if a pattern will be available. I'd say I'll be able to sell the pattern to the public in around May next year. Thank you so much for being interested, it really makes my heart sing.
This afternoon I just need to get some little bits and pieces together to send one of my quilts off to the magazine. I hope I get it all done in time - I guess I work best to a deadline ... and usually an impossibly tight one. Hope you're all having a great week - talk to you soon.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
500th Post

Well, you know the best laid plans thing ... I haven't made anything, but the runner in the picture is what I made for my first bloggiversary, so I'll make another one for this milestone. Sooner rather than later I hope.
If you'd like to be in the running to receive a runner, and help me celebrate my 500th post, leave me a comment. I'll draw a name at 8pm on Sunday evening ( central Australia time). I'm having the best time with this whole blogging thing, have 'met' so many entirely wonderful people, and can't believe I haven't run out of things to say!

The fabrics are just lovely with hints of gold, and the little panels with the bird print, just gorgeous.
Anyways, better get back to the sewing room ... be sure to leave a comment - you could be the proud owner of a new table runner!
x o x
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Applique Runner

I guess I'm around two thirds done with the applique, and then I'll add the border on and begin quilting. It's my plan to also embellish with beads for a little fun. That may depend on how much stamina I have when the end draws near.
This will be for a beginners applique workshop for next year. I'll reveal more about that later.
As I'm typing, I'm watching a DVD of the Stepford Wives (over and over *lol*).
I love to watch the movie on the weekend, as it always manages to inspire me to get busy cleaning the house ... the movie is just too funny, and I love the interiors. This morning I've already done the lounge, dining, family room and kitchen. I may even tackle Camo's room a little later. If you know my little man, you know what a brave undertaking this is *lol*. He's a bandit for Lego, and always manages to spread it right through his room, and I always find it in other rooms too.
Ohhh, and Happy Fathers Day to my dear sweet Dad. He's in Europe right now, so he won't be reading this, but regardless - Love you lots Dad, have the very best day. x o x
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Cabinet Kitty

I had to shoo her away, there just wasn't room for her, and I'm sure she wouldn't like to live behind glass. She actually came out very reluctantly and brought the quilt she's sitting on out with her.

I hope to pin another quilt tonight, it's a really cute one with birds - I hope to be able to share a picture tomorrow. Talk soon x o x
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