I weighed in this morning, and to my great surprise, I am missing 600g from my frame. I think that's around a pound and a half. It could be a little more, or a little less as my scales only weigh in 200g increments. It's not a lot for a week's effort, but it's much better than last week, and it's so much better than the way I've been working the pantry over winter!
So, I get to make four of my blue and cream blocks today. I'll do it after I collect the kids from school. This morning Cameron has a play date with one of his little kindy friends, and this afternoon I'm having lunch with one of Amy's friend's Mum. The social whirlwind is so tough *lol*.Yesterday I didn't do much in the way of stitching. I had planned to have a very 'stitchy' weekend as Marty is away, but I just wasn't in the mood yesterday. The kids and I went shopping for fun stuff.
Amongst other things, we picked up two movies that were on sale, the one on the right we watched in the afternoon together, and the kids really loved it, it was a fun movie. The one on the left I watched after the kids had gone to bed. I sort of planned to do some hand quilting while I was watching it, but as it turns out, because of the Shakesperian language I needed to concentrate on the movie, so no quilting last night.One thing I did manage to do last night before I put the movie on was 30 minutes of scrap cutting. I set my timer (of Flylady fame) and cut up some of my 'scrappage'. I still have a lot of scary scrappage in my large fabric bins. Maybe I'll get to some of those before the end of the month too.
Hooray for those pounds lost Tazzie, gone for good! Congrats be it 1 lb or 10 lbs you are going in the right direction! Im proud of you! xoxo melzie
congrats on the loss... hope the blocks are everything you've been dreaming of :-)
1 lb is 1 lb! so go make your blocks. You've earned them. :-)
My scrap box is starting to get kinda full again so I should spend a little time this week getting it under control.
I like your idea of setting the timer for cutting up scraps. A half hour a day would help put a dent in my tub of scraps. Think I will try it.
Congratulations on the weight loss! And getting to make more scrumptious blocks!
Success here too :-)
I can do 4 blocks and have flung 800g. Did not know you use the metric weight system in Australia.
Good going on your Thimbleberries Ufo !
Congratulations on the weightloss!
Congrats on the weight loss. I'm eager to get all the August birthdays at work behind me so there will be a respite from the birthday treats and I can get going on WW again. And I'm one of the culprits--I have a chocolate cake ready to take to work today for yet ANOTHER birthday.
good for losing some weight!
Congratilations on the diet success!
The Tom Hanks movie was made right here in the next town -- I've been to those places!!
Jeanne :)
Good for you to lose weight. I love Much Ado About Nothing - very funny, but the language can be a bit difficult. I couldn't understand Michael Keaton very well.
Sounds like it was a good weekend anyway!
Good job on the weight loss - even small amounts going down are better than watching the numbers go up! Enjoy your reward and have fun making your blocks.
Hi Tazzie, high fives for the wonderful weight loss!! I knew you could do it!!! *VBS* And what a great reward, to make 4 more of your blue and cream blocks. That quilt is one I hope to be making also...but I'm being good and NOT starting it just yet..LOL
I have tons of blue scraps just itching to be cut up and played with.
Love your blocks from the post above. Hugs, Finn
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