I have decided on a biscuit coloured stripe for an inner border, which is a Thimbleberries fabric. It's actually a woven stripe - unusual for Thimbleberries. And that's where I got stuck. I just couldn't find the perfect fabric for the outer border. Nothing at all looked just right. I decided to sleep on it ...
This morning I think I have a new perspective on the border for the quilt. I think I will carry the inner border right out to the edge of the quilt (sort of like a tic-tac-toe grid) and make one extra row of blocks all around the quilt. So, I'll get busy piecing the extra 44 blocks I'll need for the border. It will be interesting to see if I can squeeze the blocks out of the strips I've cut, I have used soooooo much of the blue and cream out of the strip boxes. Or maybe I should change the blocks in the border section to red and cream ... thoughts anyone?
I think I would stick with the blue and cream.
I'd stick with the two tone look too. It does look fantastic though!
I am not exactly sure I understand what you are planning to do with the borders BUT I would introduce any new colours now.
IMHO of course!
That was supposed to read I WOULDN"T introduce new colours now!
Always proof read your work!
I have a blue/cream rails unfinished top and I'm putting a narrow red border on, then a blue one. The red really lifts it, but my top is mostly blue. I think with yours I might carry on with creams and blues, but maybe a red backing?
Love the way it looks now! And I like that TB fabric. My eye seems to be expecting a darker blue outer border with maybe a medium sized print; maybe mostly a medium/dark blue with some cream? Anything like that in your stash?
The combination of the blue and cream looks so nice, I don't think I would add the red. I might be tempted to consider a flying geese or sawtooth border with this quilt. Thne I'd probably decide not to do it because I'm too lazy, LOL. But definitely still in the blue/cream range.
You have certainly inspired me to get going on all those blue/tan fabrics I pulled last year. My friend, Jane, has finally convinced me that not all quilts need borders. How about just leaving it as is, if it's the size you want, and bind it with the stripe? Just a thought ...
It's gorgeous! Great job!
I like the idea of a deep color border...I really like how this one is coming along. congrats
I love your blues and creams quilt! It has been on my to do list for awhile now. Seeing your top is making me anxious to begin. Great job!
It's Lovely Tazzie. What about prairie points in your darkest blue? ( to continue the zig zag pattern already created in some blocks )
I would stay with the blue and cream. If I did anything different than what you have already done, I would try to make those extra 44 from the darker blues and darker creams already in the quilt so the border appeared a bit darker, but still the same...how confusing was that??
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