Now I'm at home, and I feel just shattered - don't you hate it when the day just doesn't start right?? I know that I'll be feeling super good soon though - firstly the caffeine will start to kick in shortly, and secondly I'll be at the quilt store soon, and there's nothing like the smell and sight of all that fabric to make a quilter feel reeeeeeealllly good! I have no idea why I was so tired, I haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary, maybe I was having a really good dream that I wasn't finished up with yet?? Who knows ...

I'll try to explain how I work these things. Each feather consists of three loops. The direction you work the first loop is the direction you're going to be heading with the last loop. So if you're ultimately wanting to be working to the right of your quilt, work the first loop to the right, the second will go to the left, and then the third to the right. You can then continue to start a new feather. It's so easy, at the bottom of the loops there's a place to rest and move your hands without making a bump. Just practice first on a piece of paper, and then move to a practice quilt sandwich. I would say the only downside to this quilting pattern is that it CAN use a LOT of thread. And speaking of thread, it looks spectacular with some of those cute shiny variegated rayon threads. Please also remember, I've said it before, I'm far from a wonderful quilter, this just works for me, and it's super fun. Let me know how you go!

You can see Holly there contemplating my feet ... she's about ten seconds away from attacking my thongs (that's the flip flop kind for my non-Aussie friends - not the underwear kind!). Holly is loving helping out in the sewing room ... she chases scraps of fabric all over the place, and when she's tired, she just wants to sleep in there on a folded quilt. She's a very sociable little fur-person.
Well, that should be it from me - for a sleepy gal, I've managed to type up what seems like a thesis. Hope you're all having a great day!
I just hate it when a morning starts like that! This is one cute quilt top. Thanks for the tutorial!
Thanks for the feather tutorial. I might try that on my next quilt.
We used to call them thongs when I was a kid. I mistakenly called them thongs in a Grade 6 class and the girls laughed uproariously but some of the boys (the ones with no sisters I guess) didn't get it. Lol.
Thanks for the peacock feather tutorial. I am anxious to try that!
Hope your day got better as it moved along!
Yes, that design takes a lot of thread. I once did a queen top with it on my Gammill - felt like I was constantly changing the bobbin! We called it Paisley, but it's the same design. Yours is nicely rounded. Are you doing that on your sewing machine? Talented you!
I have got, to try that - I have three tops waiting to be quilted right now - perfect timing.
Meow - what a beautiful kitty model!
I prefer to take my mornings at a controlled steady pace than having to rush around like that. Looks like you managed it well and got everybody where they needed to go on a timely basis.
Thanks for the peacock design. I'm glad you showed it on paper. I hadn't thought about making the middle loop go the other way, and I didn't know how you moved from one set of loops to another. That pretty quilt looks like it is going to be huge.
Hello Tazzie- finally have read about what you are doing! Nice car-good for you! Wish I was there to have a ride! Zig-Zag quilt is gorgeous and your Bear Paw variation is nice! I hope to call soon. &:-D
Hi again Tazzie- I am so challenged on this blogging thing-I should have signed Linda F.
doesn't look too hard! I will definitely give it a try!
You're right - that white looks great with the bright colors. Very happy quilt. And what a sweetie baby Holly is. Gorgeous baby.
Daylight savings time change has me dragging all this week. Do you have that in Australia? I've taken a nap everyday this week so far. Kittens (especially ones named Holly) are the greatest, aren't they!?!
Thanks for the peacock feathers. I'm always looking for a simple quilting pattern. I can do this!
thanks for explaining how to do the Peacock feathers. It's become alot clearer now
love and hugs gina xx
The top is looking great, and Holly is just gorgeous!
Holly is so cute! Nothing like a quilting kitten to keep you in stitches (ok bad joke but it made me giggle to type it!)
Thanks for the tutorial. It always looks so much easier after someone explains it!
Oh how I know! I got up at the right time today but strolled over to a friend's house to chat. Came home thinking I had all the time in the world! I was sitting at the computer,looking at YOUR blog when the telephone rang and I started chatting again when the doorbell rang and it was a student who'd come for an early lesson! No make-up on! Sweat shirt and pants pulled over pajamas! The house a mess! I dive-bombed into the day!
Flylady would be shaking her finger al me today!
And thank you for the peacock feather tutorial!
Those blocks look REALLY cool! Did you count to see how many hsts you were going to have to make?
We're doing Australia tomorrow evening (Friday Night) so wish me luck! The nickels are going in a koala's pouch. :)
Holly is very cute! It seems like all cats enjoy playing with fabric and like to sleep on quilts. My kitten loves it too.
Thanks for the help on the Peacock Feathers. I can follow the line, but not sure about where to start the whole project from the beginning.
That quilt is marvelous! Thanks for the photos (oh yes, and of the little furry critter!)
I've added you to my Bloglines - don't know why you weren't there in the first place.
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