For shame ...
How on earth did this happen?? I figure if I share this shameful corner in my kitchen with you all, I'll be obliged to clear it away and report back with progress. My dear Flylady would call this a hotspot ... I call this a bushfire!
Does anyone else have a corner where things just pile up? Please don't let me be the only one ...
Well, bushfires can be interesting! And quilting is a lot more fun than putting out fires!
bushfire -- my whole house is a firestorm if that's what a bushfire looks like!
Ha ha - you think you've got problems! My kitchen table is one huge hotspot. I thought the Ex was responsible, mainly, but now that he is gone I find that it is ME!
My house is engulfed if that is a bushfire.
I don't have a corner - I have an entire room! I HAVE to start getting through my studio or it will be time to move and I won't be ready!
You call that a bushfire! My dear, it is but twinkling candle light compared to the infernos that rage here! Seriously, when I take photos of quilts and stuff I have to be sooo careful not to show the mess that surrounds them.
FlyLady had a post on putting out hotspots the other day, twice a day. Personally I call these dragon nests, and they do appear, especially in my sewing corner.... hmmm.... I wonder how come ;-) I think I need to focus on my corner for a couple of days and fling and file some papers. Set your timer girl ;-))
Your are certainly not the only one. I sure have one on top of my microwave Both my DD and I place all sorts of things on top of it. And the stairs up to my DD rooms. I place things there for her to bring up to her room, but does she do way. Should have posted a photo of it but now she is on a schooltrip to Praha and I carried all her things in the staris up to her room yesterday. I have a clean stairs today!!!!! I can walk on it whitout crossing books, cloths, bags aso.
Lady, Working, parenting, trying to quilt...I have more than one corner like that...I think it's called...Life. Who cares?!?!? People come to visit you not the house. It just means your productive doing other things.
That's nothing! The only thing that keeps our homes livable is moving every few years so everything starts out tidy...
If there's a flat surface, there's a hot spot-not all of which are mine, but a fair number.
hot spot? you call that one! ha! I have a major hotspot on the hoosier cupboard--it's the first thing that has a flat surface as you walk in through the garage door, so it's the first place to set things or the table. But since we eat at the table, it gets cleared to "the cupboard"! I'd say if that's the worst you have, you doing pretty good! love that flylady!
Tazzie dear, that is Tidy! In fact, it is Very Tidy!. My computer desk, the kitchen table, the coffee table in the salon - every available surface has stuff piled on it (French houses have no storage. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)
Strange to think of you going into summer and we are into Autumn big time.
Yes, you are the only one in the whole wide world that has a hotspot. Well, maybe there are one or two more like you - or possibly a few more than that. Even I have been known to clutter up a spot or two in my home. (That's why I insist visitors call before they come over!)
Don't fret Tazzie, it may be cluttered but it is CLEAN. You can straighten it up, but that hotspot will re-appear over and over again. Such is life.
My current hotspot is a large closet just outside the bedroom of our condo...the house in Australia is too new to have any...yet! Anyway, I just close the doors to the closet...voila! No hotspot!
Only one "hotspot"? LOL Lucky you!!! Right now my whole house is a bushfire!!! ROFL My island in the kitchen is in a perpetual mad mess, the coffeetable in the livingroom is covered in quilt/rughooking books, sewingroom....what sewing room???...I agree with storage room ROFL
My whole house is a hotspot. I have a friend who calls it flat surface disease: the inability to have any uncluttered flat surfaces in your house. :o)
For years and years piles of clutter never fazed me - as long as everything was 100% spotless/clean underneath. I am slowly starting to change and have spent a huge amount of time this summer de-cluttering, organizing and re-arranging, filing, tossing, etc. Everything looks soooo much better, but of course, I still have "hot spots" here and there - all up HIGH due to a 3 year old! I think a few hot spots here and there is a good compromise for me, compared to what I used to have!
Oh I could probably beat that - but would I want to share it with you all???? hmmmmmm
I need a home with no flat surfaces if I want to avoid hotspots.
Glad to meet another flybaby.....
The dining room table, the two tables in my sewing room, the floor of the living room. My house has been taken over by hot spots...
Oh yes, I have one very bad area where the clutter just grows. Constant battle; not sure which side is winning.
My sister calls it horizontal space syndrome. It is the human inclination to fill up any horizontal space.
P.S. I can see what your counter looks like, and that you have one.
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