This block was fun to put together - one inch finished size HST's seem like such a breeze after working on the tiny ones in the Nearly Insane quilt. (Update: I just noticed there is a damp spot on the block from when I starched it - oops!)
Today it got to 42c (107f) at home, and I've been laying low and doing things that don't require too much effort. I got busy with paperwork - clearing out stuff that's more than 7 years old etc. It's amazing how those papers can build up. I've decided I should devote 15 minutes to it each day. It's going to take me a while to get thru all that shredding!
Love your Kansas Troubles block... looking forward to seeing more of these blocks!
I wish we could split the difference between your 107* and our 45* so that we'd both be comfortable.
The block is beautiful!
You're quick! I finally got my Blocks 3 and 4 finished this week. And posted them to the Flicker site. Enjoy your warmness.
I love how this block comes out but can't say it was all that easy for wasn't so much the HST but those bias seams. (think it may be time for a new iron!)
Tazzie! Ohhh!! I like your block!
Today I also finished my block ...
I'm enjoying very much this project!
Very good selection of fabrics ...
Greetings from Spain
Love the look of your block.
Like Becky, I'd like to split the difference between our temp's. We're expecting well below zero by the middle or the end of this week. Such extremes, either yours or ours, are not loved by anybody.
I seriously thought about giving away my Nearly Insane book. Do you enjoy making those blocks? Everything you make is impressive, the NI blocks included. But do you feel that they're worth the time you're putting into them? I have so many things I want to do, and Nearly Insane might not be a good choice for me at this time.
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