Today Gracie is visiting with the Vet. She's just over six months old now, so we decided it was time for her to be neutered and micro chipped. She won't like it, but to us, it's the responsible thing to do.
In quilting news, I'm almost done with the deadlines I had set for myself to achieve before Wednesday. I'll be able to get some chores done now, and relax a little too. In the last eight days, I have quilted three customer quilts, pieced one shop sample, quilted and bound two shop samples, photographed and written the pattern for one shop sample. I feel I've achieved a lot, and I'm looking forward to working on some projects of my own. I still have more projects to quilt, but my pressure has eased a little.
Well, that's it from me - I promise quilty pictures in the next post.
x o x
We are not amused! Even more so considering what's in store for her!
Just reading what you've achieved makes me feel exhausted!
Your Gracie looks a bit like the Gracie that lives next door to us! Only that Gracie is a he, and he's the most sociable cat I've ever met. But he has learned to torture our dog from the OTHER side of the fence. LOL
Beautiful picture of Gracie!
She does look kind of disdainful. I have a hard time taking pictures of my cats- they just are always moving. My, what a list of things you have accomplished! I am tired just reading it! Hope Gracie mends fast.
Oh, yes, quilty pictures please! LOL! I'm sure Gracie will make a quick recovery--she's very pretty but doesn't look very pleased! LOL!
What a pretty baby!
Your Gracie looks exactly like out daughter's cat, Mercy. When I first clicked on here, my first thought was that it was Mercy. Gracie is a beautiful cat. She will recover quickly. Ours did. I love your blog.
My goodness, what a long list of things you have recently accomplished!
You must be exhausted!
I think Gracie must have heard that you're making plans to have her 'tutored' and was trying to look smart and all-knowing. :D
I have two cats that look like Gracie. The markings are a bit different but the colors and the "cattitude" are the same. They are from the same feral mother but different litters. Bess is long haired and Baby is smooth.
Love your blog!
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