I used 3kgs of fruit (about 6 1/2lbs) and here is my jam haul for the day. The three jars in the back are 600ml, or around one pint. The others I think are around 3ooml.
We've hardly put a dent in the fruit, so I see a lot more jam in my future, and probably some preserves too.
My mind is churning though - we've been looking for a new outdoor setting, and because we're having a few friends over for New Years, we thought it would be nice to have a new one in time. We've found two that we're happy with - one a little more than the other. One is $700.00 (picture is of 7pc, but we're going for 9pc), it's nice enough, and we can pick it up tomorrow. However, we like a different one more, and I think I'll be happier with it long term, but it needs to come from interstate - also, it's price has been reduced by $500.00 in the post Xmas sales. Both Marty and I don't mind paying the extra for the one we like a little more, but we can't have it tomorrow, and we'd really like a new one ASAP. I simply can't decide, and Marty says he doesn't mind ... heavens, I just don't know what to do. I think I need to sleep on it. Ideas??
Jam looks yummy!
Think long-term! Which setting are you going to be happy with for the next few years? If you get the one you can get now, will you always wish you would have waited for the other one? Be sure you get what you want and will not regret...
I'd go for the second one... it looks a LOT nicer and the price can't be beat.
I would go with the one I liked the best - and put a big picture of it on whatever furniture I had at the moment to remind me what I'm waiting for! Your guests won't mind using the old furniture - it's you they have come to see and you'll need to have another party once the table arrives!
The jam looks delicious.
The second one is much much nicer so I'd wait. You are paying a lot and will have it for a long time so I'd say it's worth the wait. Invite your friends over again when you have the new set!
I cannot make a recommendation on the outdoor furniture, but I sure could help you eat up some of that jam!!
Happy New Year!
I think you should go with what you WANT long term! Tell your guests to bring their own chair until the new set arrives!*LOL*
Love the picture of the jam..num yummy is RIGHT!!!
Happy New Year Tazzie Girl!
Yet another vote for long term...I am currently stuck with a dining room set that I "settled" for so I would have something for Thanksgiving a few years ago. I should have just gone picnic style and waited for the table I wanted!
Do you dry any of your apricots? They look wonderful!
I gauge these purchases with the idea that if I am going to replace it within a month or two then I can be a bit less choosey....if on the other hand it is something that I am going to have to live with for a while I will get what I want, even if it means waiting a little longer to get it.
Just a couple of thoughts... the cushions in the first one look more cushy... but I like the look on the back of the chairs better in the second one. Have you sat in either of them?
If you're going to leave them outside, will the flatter cushions be easier to wipe down? If you're going to be bringing the cushions in to store, will you have enough room to store the fatter ones?
Maybe you ought to make a list of the pros and cons for each set, adding in the availability... to see which one stacks up the best.
Oh man! That jam looks soooo good!
Yummy jam! My family loooves apricot jam or apricot anything!
Re: the table set...Jane has brought brought up some good questions. Another thought I had is that the 2 additional upholstered chairs might make a rather tight fit around that table. The other set seems less jammed, more relaxed.
Oh, so wonderful! When I lived in California I had an apricot tree in my yard and made oodles of jam -- but my FAVORITE thing was fresh apricot pie! Yum!
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