Marty and his mates went away to the beach house last weekend. When he came home, he had some of the excess groceries with him, amongst which was a vast amount of eggs, and three whole packages of bacon! Well, the family put in a request for Pasta Carbonara, which I dutifully made on Wednesday night - that took care of a lot of the bacon, and according to my Donna Hay recipe book, four egg yolks. I can't bear to waste, so I put the whites in the fridge, and they became the focus of today's baking. The family declared them excellent, and they'll definitely be on the menu again.
Hope you're all ready for Christmas - I can't believe there's less than a week to go. I'll be in the midst of a wrapping flurry tomorrow - I hope my paper supplies last!
The quilt is looking beautiful!
You know I did actually turn my head to one side? It looks good which ever way I turn.
The quilt is absolutely stunning! I really like the border print there!
Lurking Linda
I love how this is coming out. It reminds me of the "blended quilts" that were the rage a few years back. very striking!
Tazzie - it is beautiful! And the desserts look AWESOME! I"ll be over!
oh my gosh -- beeeeautifullllll quilt AND desserts! Yummy on both counts.
Love to see the kids in the fields - that's what life should be all about. 8-))
Happy New Year!!!
I don't even have to tilt my head or squint to see that is one gorgeous quilt! And oh, boy, do the meringue desserts look delicious.
Now that quilt looks beautiful no matter how you look at it!! Yummy looking desserts too!
I love your quilt, so very colorful.
Tilting your head makes the merangues look pretty good too... lol
Love the quilt, and don't blame you for changing the cutting to eliminate the bias edges, that's always a pain to work with in borders.
Merry Christmas!
I know it's a late comment but I'm experimenting with a new feeds reader. ANyway, your merangues look divine!! I love those!
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