It's up there :-)
This evening I spent some time putting the setting triangles on the small 'Back Home Again' blocks. I don't have heaps of energy, so I'm working slowly. I got them all done though, and tomorrow I'd like to cut out the remaining five blocks. Once they're done, I can get busy putting the quilt top together.I'm loving the fabrics in this project, and can't wait to get more done. It's my goal to have the top complete by the end of the year. Surely I can do it ... really, can it be that hard to find the time?
And earlier today, Marty hung my thread stand on the wall. I'm just so entirely thrilled to finally have the stand I wanted, and all my threads right there where I can see them. I will need to paint the study at some point - I just don't like the colour of the walls in here, but that will have to wait for another time. Ohhh, and Rosaline asked for a side view of the thread stand - I just couldn't get a good picture - I'll try again later.Hope you're all having a great weekend - I have been good and have rested up big. Thank you all for your concern and kind wishes - it means so much. x o x
the tree skirt pattern interests me; if you could give me the exact issue, that would be so appreciated. i am a sucker for tree skirt patterns and yours is beautiful!
It's always the little things that make us happy! I want my whole house painted but just can bear the thought of the hassle of it all.
It looks great! Painted walls or not! I love how the colors play from thread to thread :c)
I'm glad you are taking it easy!
It looks fantastic having the threads right there infront of the sewing machine - nice and colourful! :)
I know how hard it is to rest and take it easy, but a little therapy is great as well. Thread stand does look good. Keep getting well!
Love, love, love the blocks and love to hear, absolutely love to hear you're putting effort into resting! Somehow "effort" and "rest" seem at odds but some of us are tough to keep still.
Healing Hugs, *karendianne.
Good to hear that you are resting. Your thread stand is looking good. All of my threads are collected together in wooden tea boxes.
Tazzie, I hope you are feeling better...Thinking of you..Toni
What pretty blocks!! Love them, and I am glad your thread stand is up and ready for use. I have one and really like it, plus a drawer of thread that won't fit.
Lovez the thread stand.
How are you feeling?
I'm glad to hear you are resting and feeling better. Being sick isn't conducive to getting quilty things done.
I love the fabric combinations you are using this quilt - it's going to be another beauty. And what a nice thread stand!
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