It's based on a vintage quilt I saw somewhere, and I'm thinking I'll make it up in scraps. I have no idea what I'll call it ... ideas anyone??
In health news - still resting as much as I can, and I'm on my fourth course of antibiotics - the chest x-ray came back 'inconclusive'. Don't know what to think really, it would be nice to have some answers. In good news though, the kids have finished school for the year, so there is a lot less running around to be done.
It's getting late, so I'll say goodnite ... and I promise to chatter soon :-)
Hope you get to feeling better really soon...
It's an interesting star block, you could always name it after yourself... Tazzie's Stars :>)
Happy Christmas!
Hope you feel better soon. The quilt pattern reminds me a bit of Crossed Canoes but I think that one has no stars.
Ooooh! I love it!! The possibilities!
Feeling better?
Hope you are feeling better! I really like your design!
Tazzie, hope you're getting a good rest adn Oh Boy I loooove this new design. Scraps for sure!
I like the name Tazzie's Stars. Is this just what the antique quilt looked like, too? It's very pretty, especially the idea of really making that center star pop out. Hope you feel better.
I hope you are feeling better soon! Get lots of rest and recover so you can get started on this beautiful quilt.
Mmmm! I love this drawing! I can't wait to see you get it done!
Hi there...have stumbled upon your blog...I hope you do start to feel better soon...infections aren't much fun. With your quilt, the first thing I thought of was wisterias!!! Take Care...
Oh you poor thing. I really do sympathise. What ever it is must be really dragging you down. At least you've got sunshine over there to help cheer you up a bit.
I think Tazzie's Stars is a lovely name and I love the colours.
That's a great block pattern - I look forward to seeing what you do with it. I'm sorry it is taking you so long to get well again - hope this one works much better.
Since it looks like crossed canoes and stars, how about Star Crossed Lovers?
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