Hmmm ... my laptop isn't playing nice, so I've moved onto the computer in the study ... let's see how I go loading images ... seems to have worked.
First up for a little eye candy, I'm sharing this picture of a quilt I just finished quilting for a customer. I really love love love it. I don't know anything about the quilt - who's pattern etc, but it's made up in the most gorgeous repro fabrics. This is sooooo my style of quilt. I hope Jenny doesn't mind me sharing it - it's just stunning!
And my latest acquisition - a new knitting bag. I've named him Shawn - he's very cute. Time spent in my car is my knitting time, and I thought this would be the perfect bag so I don't have to take my knitting bag out of the car all the time. It looks like a stuffed toy, and hopefully would not interest anyone taking a peek for any goodies while I'm not actually in the car?? Well, that's my hope ... isn't it a shame that we have to even think about things like that?
And on the car knitting front, here are my most recent finishes. (Well, I should say almost finishes, because I haven't woven in the ends yet.) A pair of pink socks for Sharon, and in the foreground you can see I'm working on some hand warmers from the leftover yarn. And a pair of blue socks for me ... or should I say a sock for me, because it doesn't have it's partner yet :-) I'm so easily distracted.
I was waving my purple hand warmers around in front of Marty the other day taunting him before I went off to netball ... "jealous hon, are you jealous" and he asked me if I could knit him some in black. Well of course I can, and I've cast on a black mitt too. It's naughty to have so many projects on the needles. I hope I can finish something soon.
And of course, there's always the laundry being done. Except for when I put the empty basket down on the floor while putting the folded laundry away ... I come back and what do I find? Two kitties glowering at me ... I'm sure they're just daring me to put them out of 'their' basket ...
My cat once got into the dryer to lay on the warm towels (I was pulling them out one at a time to fold) and as I was shutting the door (didn't have enough to finish) I saw the cat. That could have been a REAL problem! Vickie
My kitties get into every container I put on any flat surface too. I put a flat I had brought my seedlings home from the farmers market on a chair tonight and about 5 seconds later my kittie Misty was sitting in it.
Those cats look priceless, just exactly like "you had better not get us out of here". Where on earth did you get that lamb, that is the cutest thing ever. The blue quilt is so beautiful.
My boys would be doing something to my empty laudry basket if it were ever empty! (The never-ending laundry story!!!) Cute cats, great quilt and I'm very curious about the fingerless mitts because my old Mum and her arthritis would love a pair!
Tazzie, I love Jenny's quilt. Is that Jenny from the Wednesday group? I left my quilt in the shop, ooops. I will be there tomorrow though. See you then. Dena
Your ginger kitten sure did grow up fast. I read that look as, "Thanks for the basket mom." My boy loves a box!
That orange and white one looks like my Aiden. My cats love to be in the laundry basket also, especially if there is clean laundry in it!
Adorable kitties, Tazzie. And I love the socks...what yarn is that?
My cat once got into the dryer to lay on the warm towels (I was pulling them out one at a time to fold) and as I was shutting the door (didn't have enough to finish) I saw the cat. That could have been a REAL problem! Vickie
My kitties get into every container I put on any flat surface too. I put a flat I had brought my seedlings home from the farmers market on a chair tonight and about 5 seconds later my kittie Misty was sitting in it.
Those cats look priceless, just exactly like "you had better not get us out of here". Where on earth did you get that lamb, that is the cutest thing ever. The blue quilt is so beautiful.
Your cats are beautiful. Love the lamb, wonder if we have access to something like that in the States.
I love Shawn. I worry about leaving my knitting in the car too, and usually end up putting it in the boot.
Your kitties are so cute.
My boys would be doing something to my empty laudry basket if it were ever empty! (The never-ending laundry story!!!) Cute cats, great quilt and I'm very curious about the fingerless mitts because my old Mum and her arthritis would love a pair!
Love the kitties in the basket. My Oliver is a big basket fan too. Has one in nearly every room of the house!
That blue quilt is just the perfect idea I was looking for. Thanks so much for sharing. (and the kitties are simply too cute.)
Love the blue quilt - simplicity at it's best! :-)
My goodness look how much the kitties have grown!
I love Jenny's quilt. Is that Jenny from the Wednesday group?
I left my quilt in the shop, ooops. I will be there tomorrow though.
See you then.
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