This is block 18, and its claim to fame is that is has the most pieces of all the blocks in the book. 229 pieces in a 6" block. Yes - you read that correctly, 229!
This was a tough one - not really hard so much as tedious. And there are so many seams that I had to pin the block to my ironing board to get it to sit flat to photograph.
I'm so pleased this one is checked off my list. There's really only one more tough one to tackle ... and that's for another day!
Yes, that is quite a bit of pieces for a 6 inch block. But it just turned out beautifully. Did you press the seams open?
Yowzers!! Great where's the picture of you in your straight jacket being taken away....;o)
Take care!!
229 pieces? it should have been named INSANE NOW!! It's a great looking blocks, I am just WOWED by the size.
Holy snap, Tazzie! That is insane. You're absolutely amazing!
Woohooo!! Congratulations!!!!
Anyone who completes NI block 18 is a champion!!!
I don't think there's any question that you are not nearly insane but all the way there!!!
Woman, you are Crazy!! It looks INCREDIBLE though!
It's a very gorgeous block!! The fabrics you use are so great! I also love your other blocks!! This is going to be a beauty of a quilt!
I so admire your patience!
Love to see more of your NI-blocks.
Have a fun day!
Wow! That is so incredible. Makes me want to try it. Did you do 1/8" seams?
OMG! I would not even attempt that...well done, it looks fantastic!
Are you nearly insane now?
cheers Julz
Yesterday, I skipped this one (I have been going in order but got hung up on #17 and skipped over to #19. Now just maybe I'll tackle it today. You sure did a good job!
Dang, sister!!! That is some awesome piecing! I'd be past insanity if I had done it machine or hand pieced??
That's the nicest piecing I've seen in a inspire me!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
229 pieces - for real? You are amazing! I'd be insane after trying to cut those pieces out!
Good thing you have mad sewing skills so that you can manage all those bitty bits! It looks terrific.
Yep! That would drive me insane. Kudos to you!!
I have been following your work on the insane blocks. How was this one pieced? That is quite an accomplishment.
Gorgeous! Judy has loaned me her book! mmmmmm what's my excuse now?
How precise! You did a great job!
Not nearly, more like entirely! I mean you are amazing to pull that off! It looks fabulous.
That's incredible! I hadn't heard of this before but I can well imagine how addictive it could be. I'll have to bookmark your blog to keep tabs on your progress.
It's amazing! You did wonderful work on this block.
Wow, that is gorgeous, well done! Is it foundation pieced?
Gorgeous block Tazzie :-)
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