Friday, August 11, 2023

Almost midnight!

Oh my, today has really gotten away from me - it's almost midnight, so I'm just going to get this post in under the wire. I'll keep it short so I can hopefully slip into bed while it's still today!

This week I've started working on a new project. I don't need a new one, but I really felt like I needed some simpler machine work. Well, that's my justification anyway. It's a sampler by Paula of OldePatchArt. She is repairing/reproducing a darling but damaged sampler quilt. Do visit on Instagram and see her lovely work.

Here are my first two blocks:

Block 20 - Spool Dance

Block 30 - Bye Bye Birdy

I have a lot of catching up to do, and I may or may not get there before the last blocks are posted, but I will enjoy the progress. I've decided I'll work from my ever growing scrap drawers, and hopefully put something of a dent in them. No scrap dents have been made to date, but I remain determined.

In other news, on day 16 my sourdough starter finally started doubling in size with lots of lovely little bubbles, so if the whispers are correct, I should be able to start using it for baking now.

The process for baking the bread seems terribly complicated though, so I don't imagine I'll be wildly successful any time soon. 

I'll have to sign off here - Rowley is pacing around, so he's probably looking for his end of night bathroom break. He turns six months old next week, so I hope to share a comparison photo with you from the day we got him until now - it's amazing how much he's grown. So I'll check in with that for you next week. Chatter soon! xox


Jeanette said...

You are doing better than me, all i've done is download the blocks. :) I'll get started eventually. lol. Love your blocks.

Janet said...

Blocks are gorgeous and wow another project. Good for you.
Your starter looks promising. I have faith in you. Have wonderful weekend.

cityquilter grace said...

aah easy to cave on new projects...i myself did the same this week...lovely blocks...such fun 'round midnight!


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