Friday, August 25, 2023

Quickie post ...

Just a quickie post tonight, as I have a bunch of work to get through, so it'll be a late one tonight in the sewing room.

This week I only got one block put together, this one for the Morell quilt. It's block #43

Somehow I made the diamond sections slightly incompatible with the background fabric pieces and it was a bit of a stinker to put together. But I got there in the end - it's not perfection, but I know it'll be just fine when it's quilted. I should have started again, but that would have been too easy lol!

And in other news, I baked my first ever sourdough cob. There is so much to learn, and I'm on the very beginning of that learning curve, but it's so far so good:

I didn't love it straight up, but it's super nice as toast. Camo has declared sourdough excellent and would like me to keep on baking. Marty is a wonderbread kinda guy, so he'll never love it, but he'll tolerate it. So far my favourite thing has been the bagels which I forgot to photograph, so I think I'll continue on this sourdough journey.

Recently I bought myself the latest iPhone, I always leave upgrading until it becomes super necessary. The camera is so much better than I've been used to - so while doing a little hand quilting recently I snapped a quick picture:

So fun! I can see the weave of all the fabrics, and in the top middle berry you can see some batting fibre that I couldn't see with the naked eye. I do love to see my quilting stitches up close - I don't get as many stitches to the inch as I used to, but it's still my favourite thing.

Well, that's it for me today, I'm going to get back to work and see how much I can get done tonight. Chatter soon! xox


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your quilting stitches look nice and even. The sourdough bread looks awesome. Do you have a lame` to cut the top or did you use a razor like I do? How many more Morell blocks do you have to make? That fullness will easily quilt out. Happy stitching!

Janet O. said...

Your star block looks good to me. I have never attempted one of those, and I consider myself a wimp.
Kudos to you for the sourdough. Hubby always wanted me to try, but I cannot keep track of the starter. I am such a poor tender.
Beautiful quilting stitches!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

That block is simply gorgeous! I'm sure it was a bugger to piece, but you did it beautifully. Your quilting stitches look perfect to me! Mine aren't as small as they used to be either, but it is my favorite part of the quilt process too. Your sourdough looks yummy!

Janet said...

So talented, so talented. Quilting, baking, interior decorating. Love reading your blog and have done so for several years.

Janet said...

Sourdough bread looks delicious. Your block is very pretty. I am not sure how you pieced it. Is it a LeMoyne star? Your quilting stitches look perfect to me.
Enjoy your weekend.


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