Friday, August 04, 2023

A little gift ...

Hi there friends, it's time for me to check in with my week's achievements. Wednesday and Thursday I spent a little time at the sewing maching and put together a small gift. It was for the couple that run our local post office - they're retiring after serving our community for the longest time, and I wanted to show my appreciation:

It was a fun little make, and I delved into deep stash for a couple of those fabrics. The darker green may even be a Thimbleberries print! It makes me smile to think that each time they see this little mat they'll remember all the pesky parcels I've pushed across their desk over the years.

Other than a few stolen stitches in my Lily Rosenberry quilt, that mat is about the only stitching I managed to get done this week.

The lack of stitching time was for a couple of reasons. The first being that my Etsy store has gone a little wild lately, so I've been painting bead heads like a crazy lady. Also, on the weekend we had to completely empty our bedroom and WIR as we had new carpet installed on Monday. Whew, that was something else - it's amazing how much we managed to fit in there.

I adore the look of the room with the lovely fresh carpet, and while the room was empty I asked our cabinet maker to come over and make a big shoe rack to go in the closet. He's amazing and delivered it today. But I digress - a good deal of this week was dedicated to sorting out all our clothes, and I estimate we've donated/tossed out at least a third of them! It felt sooooo good! I don't have any pictures of all that to share, but trust me, I'm thrilled with how it's coming along.

Anyway, I'm babysitting little Mary tonight, so I'm going to keep this somewhat brief - and I'll chatter again soon! xox


Gretchen Weaver said...

The gift quilt is beautiful, a lovely gift! I'm glad to see Lily again. Each stitch is closer to the finish. Have a lovely evening with Mary!

Janet said...

Very nice gift. They will think about you and how thoughtful you were.
Lily is going to be a lovely treasure.
Great to hear the store is doing well.
Enjoy your granddaughter and have a great weekend.

kiwikid said...

That is a beautiful gift to make the PO people, good to hear your store is going well. Have a wonderful time with Mary.

Jean McGee said...

That's a lovely gift for your post office friends, you are very generous with your time in giving pleasure to others. It's a good feeling cleaning out unwanted clothes etc and makes room for more to take their place! See you soon 💕💕


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