Just wanted to share that I haven't been slacking off over the past couple of days. This is the second customer quilt I've worked on since Saturday. I should have it finished tomorrow morning, and then I can give it to her on Wednesday.
This week I also hope to get the Spring Fling quilt in the mail, so the directions for that are another thing I'll work on tomorrow morning. Grocery shopping in the afternoon ... a good deal less fun ... but just before I do that, I'll be doing something super fun! Booking tickets to the US in September. Am I excited. Why, yes I am!!
Back to the quilting, I'll talk to you all soon! x o x
Please post a picture of the machine you use to do this great quilting. I need the inspiration to finish a wedding quilt.
Tazzie, this is gorgeous! And the thread makes is irresistible.
Another jewel my friend, another jewel! ;) *karendianne.
Beautiful machine quilting, as always.
Oh lucky you! So where in the US will you be? I doubt in the boring midwest.....
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