I've decided to sell it on Ebay. I thought I'd let you all know, just in case you think that your home may be the perfect place for it.
It's the Thimbleberries Vintage Stitches project from 2006. Each block is seasonal, and has a really cute stitchery in the centre. All the stitching is done with black perle cotton, and if I may say so myself, looks super cute.
Please remember that I'm a quilter, definitely not a photographer - this top looks sensational in person. I hope the link to the auction works, if not, just contact me and I'll email you the details.
Please give my baby a good home - this is going to be a hard one to say goodbye to!
Ohhh fun! The link works, too. ;)
Would you consider the above method of payment for your quilt?
email: lchenier282@gmail.com
Oh, Tazzie you mean you are not finishing that quilt top? I just got mine quilted by one of our members trying out her new long arm. Used the extra blocks on the backing so have two quilts for one. Hope it gets a good home.
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