Friday, June 30, 2023

Broderie Perse

This week I am feeling so proud of my accomplishments! I finished all the piecing on the centre square of the Morrell Quilt. And rather than work on the applique in the corner of the block from the pattern, I thought I'd give some broderie perse a try:

I'm super happy with how it looks, though it wasn't without tribulations. The fabric is not tightly woven, so it frayed easily as I was appliqueing it down - kind of nail biting actually. So I'll have to psych myself up to get the other three motifs put in place. I've started working on an updated tree skirt this week, and I just know that my brain made me work on that as a bit of an applique avoidance tactic. My justification is that it's July tomorrow, and I should have something ready for Christmas in July. Haha!

In other news, today Amy and I dashed to a local charity store - they were having a sale, and I spied something on the shelf in one of their Facebook photos, I needed to make sure I got them!

These milk glass dishes are very much prized among quilters - they're great for storing tools in the dish part, and for hanging scissors and other whatnots in the holes around the edge. So I bought all they had. Please don't think I'm being greedy, I definitely have a plan for them - one which I won't be able to reveal for a while now. But please trust me on that. If any of my local friends have some they don't need, or know where there are some for sale, please let me know, as I could use a few more!

And last of all for today - this is something I cannot believe, but our Camo turned 21 last week! Long time readers will remember him being quite small, and now he is so very big! Friday evening last week we had a party for him, and it was such a nice time. We don't seem to get as socially busy as we did before Covid, so it was so nice to be out and about with lovely family and friends.

We're so proud of Camo, he is doing so very well at work and following his dreams. I couldn't be happier for him!

That has been my week up to now - I'll chatter with you next week - the second half of this year. Hope you all have a lovely weekend xox


Gretchen Weaver said...

The broderie perse looks very nice in the corner. Did you try starching the fabric before appliqueing? That might help firming up the fabric. Happy stitching!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have never tried that applique. Your son is a great looking young man. We do not get out as much as we did before Covid either.

Chris said...

Congratulations on your Broderie Perse maiden voyage. It looks stunning. Gives me ideas.

cityquilter grace said...

your broderie perse looks perfect! have you thought about fray chek to help with edges? or something similar?

kiwikid said...

Wonderful broderie perse! Looks perfect. Happy birthday to your son. Interested to see what you do with the bowls now :-)

Janet said...

I knew your broderie perse would be spectacular, just gorgeous.
Very interesting about the bowls. Never heard of doing that, cool.
You have a very handsome young man.
Enjoy your weekend.

Chookyblue...... said...

nice applique and yes we forget our kids have grown so much while we have been blogging........happy 21st


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