Monday, March 11, 2013


It's not news that I'm still plugging away at my hexagon units. These smaller ones are easy to put together, and I should be done with them in the next day or so. I'm so looking forward to it! I think I have just over 20 completed so far.

I've almost run out of prepped hexies, so I'll get some more basted this this afternoon. It's the perfect activity to combat this run of hot weather we're having.

Summer mustn't have got the memo - it's over! Only it's not! We've had a heat wave for a week, and I believe we still have a week of it to go - temps around the 100f mark for our far away friends. Ugh - it's lethargy inducing. Thank heavens for air conditioning.

Even the local wildlife are suffering. This little guy was found on the road:

That's a deadly brown snake. Marty says about a year old judging by the size of it - he put it on the side-walk for my photo opportunity :-) It must have been basking on the road and gotten run over by a car. I'm just glad it hadn't slithered into our yard for either us or our cats to find. I just know Gracie would have thought it a plaything - and that would have been about the end of her. I hope this snake's family stay down by the creek - much safer for everyone, including the snakes!

Well, it's into the kitchen to make some dinner preparations, and then back to the hexagons for me. For my friends nearby - stay cool! And for everyone else, hope you've had a great weekend!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it sounds like your heat is as bad as what we had last summer. I sure hope we do not have a repeat of it this summer.
Hexies are wonderful!
glad that snake was dead!

Missy Shay said...

I would have been totally freaking over that snake! My cats actually found a snake in my bedroom once, luckily it was small, but I was freaking and trying to keep the cats away from it until my husband could get it out of the house! LOL

Shay said...

Ugh...I want to tell you what a great job you're doing on those hexies but all I can focus on now is that darn snake. Hate them!

liloca, liloquinha said...

Seu hexagonos estão lindos!parabéns! !!
Quanto a cobra, que medo....
E o calor,ufa! !!!Aqui teima em chover e graças à Deus está ameno quase frio!!!
Um abraço


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