Friday, September 27, 2024

I'm obsessed with hand quilting right now.

Seriously, I am! There are other things I need to do, but I'm finding myself drawn to the quilting hoop in any spare moment I have. I even laid the quilt out as best I could on the dining room floor so I could see how far along I am:

I'm further along than I thought I was, but there is still a long way to go. As long as I keep putting stitches in, it's all progress right? I do love how this quilt is coming along, and I know I'm going to love it when it's finished too.

And just a quick side note (and scroll on if you're not Instagram inclined) I seem to find time to pop a picture on Insta more regularly than I do here - it's just so much faster. So if you do want to see something more than my irregular posting on here, do pop over and have a look. There's a link in my sidebar.

Dog walking continues unabated. Every day actually, and sometimes twice a day. We're seeing a lot of our neighbourhood. 

My pictures never look as nice as we see in person, but I'll persevere. Also my friends in far places do like to see the landscape. Rowley continues to grow large - hopefully he'll stop growing soon - he's a lot of dog to walk. Especially when he sees something he wants to investigate.

My parents and brother were on holiday in Europe recently, and while checking on my parent's garden I found Mum's beautiful clivias in flower. The orange ones were abundant, but this much rarer yellow one caught my eye:

I'm trying to grow the orange ones at the moment - my green thumb hasn't really formed yet. When I have success with orange, I'm going to add yellow to my collection, they're so pretty.

And you know that I don't have very much exciting to share when it's newsworthy that I caved and finally bought an air fryer:

I haven't used it yet - it was only delivered yesterday. If I'm honest, I'm a little nervous of it, though my friends and family tell me that it's a life changing kitchen appliance. We shall see.

Painting bead heads for the mmmCrafts ornaments has continued apace. This past week amongst other orders, I had one sweet lady order 28 Mrs Claus heads so she could make ornaments for her friends. What a darling gift to make!

They were fun to work on, and because it's now school holidays here, I'll be able to do more stock replenishment over the next two weeks. We're heading for the busy season in my Etsy store, and I love it!

Last of all today, the sun in the sewing room caught the quilting hoop just right, showing the teture of my Lily Rosenberry quilt. I tried to capture it, but once again my eyes see things my phone camera lens just cant. This picture will give you an idea anyway.

I never grow tired of gazing at, and running my hands over my hand quilted projects. My sweet friend Jean says it's like there are little pillows between the stitches. And to me, that sounds just about right.

That's it from me for now, and I promise to check in and chatter again soon xox

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