Friday, June 07, 2024

Simple Piecing

This week I had a few assignments due, and there is one more left for this semester. I found myself craving some simple piecing to give the cogs in my brain a little rest.

Early in the week I put together some placemats for a lovely friend. I do love this particular pattern, it looks so nice with so many different kinds of fabrics:

I love the diagonal check fabric, and have it in a number of different colourways. This is the lighter red version, and the darker red version is my favourite - I love to bind quilts with it, and I'm running low. I do hope I'll find some more again someday.

This week I also did a little tidying in the sewing room - it was getting untidy and made my mind feel cluttered. While doing so, I discovered my Moda Blockheads 4 blocks that I had worked on back in 2022. I don't know what was going on at that time that made me put them aside, but I only had 24 blocks made in total. So I thought it would be fun to make a little quilt top from them, and call that project finished.

They're such fun little blocks at 4.5in finished. I used a Civil War Dressing Gowns print for the sashing strips, and the border print came from my scrap drawer. I had to stitch many pieces together to get enough to frame the quilt. I pattern matched really carefully so the joins aren't too visible. Sadly I couldn't make up quite enough to mitre the border around the corners, so there are corner squares instead. It's quite fun to comprehensively use up a pretty piece of fabric. I wonder if I'll accidentally discover more of it in my containers later on?

I'd like to try and get this little quilt top quilted over the long weekend, but I have another I'd like to do first, so I'll see how I go. I also have a couple of weeks worth of tiny nine patches to catch up on, so I'll try and get that done too.

This next picture is something I could have shared with you last week, but in my haste to get a post together I forgot all about it. My Instagram friends will have already seen it:

Monday week ago, my Mum gifted me this pretty vase. It belonged to my Nanna, and is from Diana Pottery - the same brand as the cute fish bowls that I shared with you recently. I have a feeling that my Nanna had quite a few of their pieces. This new to me vase looks so pretty in the dining room, the colours are just perfect, so I'm going to make it a priority to find pretty flowers often so I can keep them and the vase on display.

It's quite cold here tonight, so I'm going to snuggle in under my Lily Rosenberry quilt and do some hand quilting for a while. Whenever I spend time in the sewing room, looking around me I know I will never ever run out of things to do! Chatter soon lovely friends xox


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

pretty quilts and pretty flowers!

loulee said...


Janet said...

Very pretty placemats. I like how you made the quilt top a finished project. Perfect.
What a lovely vase and such memories along with it. Enjoy.
I hope you are enjoying hand quilting and the cooler weather. Needless to say it is hot and humid here in Southeast TX.
Thank you so much for sharing and keeping the blog going.

kiwikid said...

Lovely placemats and the little quilt is beautiful , well done on the finish! How special to have the lovely vase, enjoy your flowers.

dq said...

The vase is so pretty, and the fact that it was Nanna's is a treasure.

Sewing clears the cobwebs out of my head as well. It is calming when I need peace.

I am glad you got back to your Moda Blockheads. I like the way you put fabrics together.


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