Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30

When I wake up tomorrow morning we will officially be in the second half of the year, how crazy is that? Time has gone so quickly and it feels like next year will be here before we know it.

This week I don't seem to have gotten as much stitching done as I would have liked, but I haven't wasted my free time. I've gotten a few more Xmas ornaments made, and I've put together a new table runner that I was thinking about. It will be a companion piece for some of the placemats I've made a number of:

I hope to have the binding done within the next couple of days, but I'm having a hard time deciding which fabric to use. I popped a little video on Instagram, let me see if I can share it here:

The four options in the video are red plaid, green print, red stripe or spring green. The fifth option is that I could purchase some more of the light green spot fabric I've already used in the runner - but for the moment I don't have a scrap of that left. What do you all think? I'll love to hear your thoughts.

Chatter soon! xox

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Another Sunday ...

I'm starting to wonder if I should change my posting schedule to Sunday? It seems to be more achievable for me lately. After a busy week I went to bed at 9.30 on Friday evening. Those of you that know me will understand that such an early night is almost unheard of for this night owl. And I slept for a full twelve hours!

Anyway, I did get a few things done this past week - first up, I'm entirely thrilled with this lodestar ornament - the pattern is another by mmmCrafts:

It's so pretty! The pattern is for a tree topper, but there are options to make smaller ornaments too - thought I'd mention that if you go looking for the pattern for yourself.

I also completed the binding on Camo's aviation themed quilt - so glad to be able to have it done in his birthday week:

Rowley wanted to be involved in taking a photo of the finished quilt, and how could I say no to that sweet face? My dear friend Lizzy did a lovely job of quilting with a cloud pattern, and even helped me track down some more of the green fabric so I could use it in the binding. I am so lucky to have such beautiful friends xox

And last of all for today, on Tuesday I had an urgent sounding call from my Mum alerting me to some Copeland Spode Byron pieces that were at the Op-shop. Of course I dashed over to pick them up and was so surprised to find this:

There were six place settings in total of all the things you see in the picture. The two handled soup bowls are just darling, and to have a coffee service with demi tasse cups was such a surprise. I don't know how I'll squeeze it all into the buffet cabinet, but I'm sure I'll manage it somehow. And when I tell you that this treasure was only $32 dollars, you'll understand when I say I feel like I won the lottery.

I'm not sure what I'll work on in the sewing room this afternoon, I have so many things I can choose from, but you can be sure I'll find something to do. Hope you're all having a lovely weekend, chatter soon! xox

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Scratching my head thinking of a title ...

I didn't manage to get here on Friday - I had set myself a crazy deadline and was racing toward it. On Saturday I was meeting four of my lovely tennis friends for lunch, and at 2pm on Friday I thought it would be a great idea to make them two placemats each. What was I thinking? I got all eight placemats made and quilted, but I only got four bound by 1.30am Saturday morning. So my sweet friends each received one placemat, and the promise of another next time we meet.

The binding is made and ready to go, so I'll be able to bind the remaining four placemats at my leisure. That pretty seed packet fabric is almost gone now, I've been able to use it so many times for cute projects.

Earlier in the week I made a quilted cushion for our sweet dinosaur loving granddaughter Mary:

This was a super quick project, and I was glad to have a pillow form in my batting box to use for it.

Also on the list of finishes were a couple of the mmmCrafts ornaments I started a couple of weeks ago:

These were such fun to make - the turtle dove will be heading overseas, and the partridge and pear will be Hazel's first ornaments for the collection I'll build for her. I'll get busy on Mary's ornaments next, along with some others.

And last of all, I did something I've been avoiding for a couple of weeks now. I've been working on a garment - a first top for me. I purchased a pattern on Etsy and got busy with some linen fabric. While linen probably wasn't an ideal first fabric choice, it worked out just fine ... until I became completely intimidated by the buttons.

A sweet Insta/former blogging buddy encouraged me to just have a go - and also to investigate my machine's auto-buttonholer ... so I steeled myself and just did it ... and it was EASY!

I'm a bit disappointed with the pictures, the linen is almost a denim colour, so the blue thread makes so much more sense in real life. On the bolt in the store, the tan colour which I've used as the reverse of the fabric was on show, but I decided that I liked the reverse side better. Anyway, I know I need never be afraid of buttonholes again.

This morning I purchased some textured cotton, and I plan to try my hand at a dress pattern that I also purchased from an Etsy store. I downloaded the pattern to Officeworks to print on A0 sheets so I don't have to tape bunches of sheets together. Such a timesaver!

Once I'm finished on here, I'll put a few stitches of hand quilting in Lily Rosenberry, and then it's bed time for me. Chatter soon friends! xox

Friday, June 07, 2024

Simple Piecing

This week I had a few assignments due, and there is one more left for this semester. I found myself craving some simple piecing to give the cogs in my brain a little rest.

Early in the week I put together some placemats for a lovely friend. I do love this particular pattern, it looks so nice with so many different kinds of fabrics:

I love the diagonal check fabric, and have it in a number of different colourways. This is the lighter red version, and the darker red version is my favourite - I love to bind quilts with it, and I'm running low. I do hope I'll find some more again someday.

This week I also did a little tidying in the sewing room - it was getting untidy and made my mind feel cluttered. While doing so, I discovered my Moda Blockheads 4 blocks that I had worked on back in 2022. I don't know what was going on at that time that made me put them aside, but I only had 24 blocks made in total. So I thought it would be fun to make a little quilt top from them, and call that project finished.

They're such fun little blocks at 4.5in finished. I used a Civil War Dressing Gowns print for the sashing strips, and the border print came from my scrap drawer. I had to stitch many pieces together to get enough to frame the quilt. I pattern matched really carefully so the joins aren't too visible. Sadly I couldn't make up quite enough to mitre the border around the corners, so there are corner squares instead. It's quite fun to comprehensively use up a pretty piece of fabric. I wonder if I'll accidentally discover more of it in my containers later on?

I'd like to try and get this little quilt top quilted over the long weekend, but I have another I'd like to do first, so I'll see how I go. I also have a couple of weeks worth of tiny nine patches to catch up on, so I'll try and get that done too.

This next picture is something I could have shared with you last week, but in my haste to get a post together I forgot all about it. My Instagram friends will have already seen it:

Monday week ago, my Mum gifted me this pretty vase. It belonged to my Nanna, and is from Diana Pottery - the same brand as the cute fish bowls that I shared with you recently. I have a feeling that my Nanna had quite a few of their pieces. This new to me vase looks so pretty in the dining room, the colours are just perfect, so I'm going to make it a priority to find pretty flowers often so I can keep them and the vase on display.

It's quite cold here tonight, so I'm going to snuggle in under my Lily Rosenberry quilt and do some hand quilting for a while. Whenever I spend time in the sewing room, looking around me I know I will never ever run out of things to do! Chatter soon lovely friends xox


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